Your Fitness Journey: Lose the Excuses & Remember WHY you Started!
Have you fallen off track with your health and fitness goals and are not sure HOW to get them back?
Ok, so good news is, YOUR NOT ALONE!! Other good news, its NOT too late to start NOW!! Bad news is... well.. the only bad news is if you keep complaining about not reaching your weight loss goals and continue to do nothing about it: it's going to haunt you in the end if you keep procrastinating on getting started!
One thing I have struggled with myself and my own journey is this...I realized I am either in 100% or out 100%. Where is my happy medium?! Well, I'm working on it on a daily basis and I know there are tons of people out there who struggle with me, which is why I run my challenge groups!
I want you all to realize those struggles that we have today are only going to make us stronger for the future! I look at my struggles with eating and am so confident that I can say this will NOT last forever!! My failures are a part of my journey and without them, my journey would be boring!!
So, enough about me, lets talk about YOU!!
How have you been with your fitness journey.. your weight loss goals? Do you feel you are an "all in" or "all out" kinda person?
Do you feel your "too busy" to be healthy and workout/eat clean?
Do you feel you don't have the finances to be healthy?
All these things I just named above are EXCUSES to hold back on our goals! My mission is to help you get to a place where those excuses can be long gone and you can move on to bigger and better things.. like reaching those goals!!
So really, people say they don't have time to workout... hmmmm... What about that 30 minute T.V. show you watch on a regular basis (sometimes more), or that nap you took during the day because your TIRED ----> FYI you wont be tired if you get up and do something!!
What about hanging out with you friends?? Yea, sorry, my health comes before gossiping and catching up on everyone's lives!
My favorite part is when people say they cant afford to be healthy but they get their tan on, nails done, hair done.... YEA you get it right?!
I am not trying to put anyone down, but simply helping you come to REALITY!! We all need a reality check once in a while right?!?!
I was that person at one time! Making excuses that I was just going from working full time to part time, we just built a house, we have 2 small children, Im taking masters classes... but yet we ate out, fast food, unnecessary shopping.... OK... see what I mean!! You cannot make excuses for the mama who was QUEEN on excuses at one time!
Look, here is the opportunity I am giving YOU...
No time?? Give me 30 minutes of your day
No money? Cut out the start bucks, fast food, oh wait..... what Im going to tell you costs the same as anyone grocery shopping for a protein, veggies, and healthy carb.. but more nutrition!
Plus you can cut out tanning, getting your nails did... it just causes cancer and hospital bills later in life, plus I'm pretty sure you wont die without getting your nails done.. its pretty easy to learn how to do!!
No motivation? Let me help YOU! I will give you MY time and support to help you through your journey to success!
Is your health a priority to you... your goals, your family?!
I have realized as a mother, I am no longer doing this for me.. but for my kids to have a good role model, for my kids to see me as healthy and so I can live long and watch them and one day their kids grow!
Through my own journey, I have started to incorporate 30 minute HOME fitness programs (yes, you can even roll out of bed and get your workout in before you actually start your day!)
I currently am using the 21 DAY FIX EXTREME Fitness program by Team Beachbody, along with incorporating SHAKEOLOGY which is my meal replacement that includes over 70 superfoods and natural ingredients to improve my overall health and wellness! Perfect for not having time to prep every meal and very convenient when we're running around with those kiddos or for work! oh, and cheaper than fast food! :)
NOW, I am here to help those who are sick of the games, sick of going back and forth, and who are ready to put an end to their excuses and move on with their goals! I know I may sound a little harsh and straight forward, but thats who I am and there is no need to "beat around the bush" when it comes to your health! Its important, and without it, you won't survive!
I am looking for 10 people who are ready to start their weight loss/fitness/health journey with me and let me provide you with daily tips, support, motivation, accountability, and more to allow you the opportunity I had to reach those goals! Please fill out the application below for an exclusive spot in my next Sweat For Summer Challenge starting June 15th!
I will repsond within 24 hours of your application!
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