
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

10 Weeks Out NPC FIGURE Competition Pittsburgh, PA

As I am prepping for my 2nd NPC Figure Competition, I have gained a lot of knowledge, but also more struggles!  But what doesn't kill you makes you stronger right?!? As I started prepping 14 weeks out for my show, I was not fully committed. I was consistent with my workouts, but not with my nutrition... I was letting my emotions and struggles in life get the best of me.  But what changed my mind set a few weeks ago was walking into Gold's gym to my trainer laughing at me saying I might as well drop out of the show... well, like I said before, when you doubt me, I work harder than ever.  I am a very competitive person and I do not let ANYONE tell me I cannot do something.  
So I had another push.. people around me doubting my potential to succeed in something that was important to me.  The tough part was, although I felt it was important, I was not acting upon it.  Time to make some changes!
Since then, I've been consistent with my workouts with BODY BEAST and INSANITY MAX 30 as my cardio every morning.  I also have been incorporating my health shake SHAKEOLOGY that gives me my daily dose of dense nutrition and super foods.  Nutrition is 80%, so I knew by staying committed to my nutrition and to my workouts, my results can only improve right?! 
Well, here is a look of what 4 weeks of giving 100% to your workouts and nutrition!

Deidra Penrose, NPC figure competition, Figure NPC Pittsburgh PA, fitness motivation, body beast, shakeology, weight loss journey, insanity max 30 results, abs, home fitness programs, top fitness coach Harrisburg, before and after fitness transformation, Top beachbody coach harrisburg PA, fitness tips, clean eating meal plan, accountability, women's bodybuilding, Team beachbody

Inches gone, back fat gone, love handles gone, and bloating gone!! This momma has more energy, is feeling much more confident 10 weeks out from my 2nd show!! Since this show in Pittsburgh is much bigger than my first, I need to keep this momentum going so I can place!! Yes, I need a LOT of work with my posing! I feel like I lost that, so my practicing starts now and will practice longer! 

MEAL 1- MAN CAKES (without the apple of course) -- NO fruit from here on out 
MEAL 2- SHAKEOLOGY with 1/2 scoop whey protein (got my extra protein and more nutrition than any meal)
MEAL 3- Grilled Chicken and broccoli, 1 sweet potato
MEAL 4- SHAKEOLOGY w/ 1/2 scoop whey protein, 1/4 cup raw almonds
MEAL 5- Grilled Chicken, green beans
MEAL 6- 5 hard boiled egg whites

My workout schedule:
Monday-  AM Cardio INSANITY MAX 30
Afternoon- BODY BEAST- Shoulders and Tri's, 30 min light cardio on incline

Tuesday- AM Cardio INSANITY MAX 30
Afternoon- BODY BEAST- Leg Day, plyos, 30 min cardio on stepper

Wed- AM cardio INSANITY MAX 30
Afternoon- BODY BEAST- Back and Bi's, 30 min cardio incline

Thurs- AM cardio INSANITY MAX 30
Afternoon- Light cardio

Friday- AM cardio INSANITY MAX 30
Afternoon- BODY BEAST- Shoulders, Tri's 30 min stepper, plyos

Saturday- BODY BEAST- Leg Day, 30 min light cardio incline

Sunday- BODY BEAST- Back and Bi's 30 min light cardio
Cardio plyos 2nd cardio

So there you have it... Nutrition 80% of your results, Exercise 20%..... Give 100% with both and you will get results!! 
Ive learned that no matter what obstacles come in your way, as long as your motive is good enough for YOU, then you will succeed! Do not let anyone tell you you can't! Keep pushing, keep believing, and keep achieving!! 

If you would like more tips on a healthy lifestyle, nutrition, exercise, along with daily accountability and support, please fill out the application below for a spot in my next fitness challenge! 

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