
Sunday, February 1, 2015



Deidra Penrose, clean eating tips, 21 day fix extreme, challenge group, fitness support group online, home fitness programs, top beachbody coach harrisburg pa, top beachbody coach pittsburgh pa, fitness motivation, accountability, beachbody fitness programs, shakeology, superfood, digestive enzymes, gluten free, dairy free, soy free, successful fitness coach, stay at home mom, weight loss motivation, weight loss journey, NPC figure competitor, NPC bikini competitor, fitness competition meal plan, fitness journey, new mom, healthy nurse

I'm not sure about you, but Feb 2nd is one exciting day!!!  I know there are TONS of people out there like myself who is always looking to better themselves and their lifestyles to be healthier and more fulfilling right?! Well, I am about to give YOU a HUGE opportunity that may change your life!
When it comes to losing weight, I know many of us want that easy way out... but think about it, is it truly the BEST way that will last a lifetime?!
Deidra Penrose, clean eating tips, 21 day fix extreme, challenge group, fitness support group online, home fitness programs, top beachbody coach harrisburg pa, top beachbody coach pittsburgh pa, fitness motivation, accountability, beachbody fitness programs, shakeology, superfood, digestive enzymes, gluten free, dairy free, soy free, successful fitness coach, stay at home mom, weight loss motivation, weight loss journey, NPC figure competitor, NPC bikini competitor, fitness competition meal plan, fitness journey, new mom, healthy nurseI am about to help you change that!! I'm going to ask you to forget the FAD diets, the starvation, and the diet pills... honestly we all know that when you do not do it the right way, whatever you lost will only come right back once you start eating normal food, or eating again! I want to help you in a way that you not only learn a healthy LONG-TERM lifestyle, but also teach you so you can share this with your family and friends and hopefully changes lives for those around you also!! 
Nothing is more important than your health! People invest in so many things that have no impact on their lives.. but what about their health and wellness?? 
I am not asking you to go in debt, or give up your home... but what I am asking you is to think about what is truly important to you and if your health and goals are important, then I will ask... do you invest in it? You have 1 life, and it is so important to take care of your body as if it were a temple from God.. because it IS!!! 
So in other words, I will be blunt and say, people are so quick to spend on quick meals, treats, fast food, eating out, drinking a couple nights a week, tanning (no good for your body), smoking, drinking, gambling, etc... but I want to help you change those bad habits into GOOD habits!! Habits that you will thank me for later!! Because this is not only going to help you save money, but add years to your life, help you be a good role model for your friends, family, children especially!
Deidra Penrose, clean eating tips, 21 day fix extreme, challenge group, fitness support group online, home fitness programs, top beachbody coach harrisburg pa, top beachbody coach pittsburgh pa, fitness motivation, accountability, beachbody fitness programs, shakeology, superfood, digestive enzymes, gluten free, dairy free, soy free, successful fitness coach, stay at home mom, weight loss motivation, weight loss journey, NPC figure competitor, NPC bikini competitor, fitness competition meal plan, fitness journey, new mom, healthy nurse
 So lets talk about how I am going to help you accomplish your goals! Its called EXERCISE + NUTRITION + SUPPORT = SUCCESS!! Lots of success!!
I have been running challenge groups AKA Support groups for 2 years now since starting my own fitness journey with Team Beachbody! What has it done for me?? Well, its changed my life! I cannot even put in words how it has helped me enough, but I will say it has given me an opportunity to create healthy habits with clean eating, get on a regular schedule to workout daily without having to leave my kids and my house but get the best results I ever had, and be a great role model for my kids!! They see what I do, and now they know mommy as being healthy and they love being just like mommy!! On top of reaching those big goals, I also have started competing in Figure Competitions through NPC which is a goal Ive had for quite a long time, but I was never motivated getting my butt to the gym every day and not knowing exactly what to eat... even more.. not having 1:1 support 24/7 which is what I deliver to my challengers! 

Deidra Penrose, clean eating tips, 21 day fix extreme, challenge group, fitness support group online, home fitness programs, top beachbody coach harrisburg pa, top beachbody coach pittsburgh pa, fitness motivation, accountability, beachbody fitness programs, shakeology, superfood, digestive enzymes, gluten free, dairy free, soy free, successful fitness coach, stay at home mom, weight loss motivation, weight loss journey, NPC figure competitor, NPC bikini competitor, fitness competition meal plan, fitness journey, new mom, healthy nurseSo the 21 Day Fix Extreme:  If you are looking to maximize your results, get the BEST body you EVER had, I will tell you that THIS IS IT!! This is not magic- Its pure hard work, dedication, and commitment, but its also your answer to success!!
This is 21 days of getting you into a routine and lifestyle that you can take with you FOREVER!!


  • 21 Day Countdown to Competition menu plan included
  • 7 workouts to keep different muscle groups guessing
  • Workouts are 30 minutes in length
  • All of the 21 Day Fix Extreme workouts include weights
  • Takes the workouts of the original 21 Day Fix to the next level

Nutrition taken to the next level:

99% of our society has trouble committing to a proper diet.. I don't like to use the word diet, because I'm not talking about the "diet" where you can't live with.. I'm talking proper nutrition you can use DAILY for the rest of your life to maintain a healthy lifestyle!  

One BIG part of what I include for myself and my challengers that makes our nutrition simplified, convenient, and successful is SHAKEOLOGY

What is Shakeology?!  This is going to be your 1 meal that gives you all the nutrition you need in an entire day.. all your:
-Super foods to help give you energy and control your appetite
-Amino Acids for your muscle tissue growth and repair (esp after a good workout)
-Pre and pro biotics and Digestive enzymes to help regulate your digestive system
-Antioxidants and Phytonutrients to detoxify your body and support immune function

Shakeology is NOT a weight loss shake, nor a protein shake... This is a HEALTH shake that is including your dense nutrition, health benefits, and includes your daily multi-vitamin!  Officially, your healthiest of the day that will get you to your ultimate goals!

Deidra Penrose, clean eating tips, 21 day fix extreme, challenge group, fitness support group online, home fitness programs, top beachbody coach harrisburg pa, top beachbody coach pittsburgh pa, fitness motivation, accountability, beachbody fitness programs, shakeology, superfood, digestive enzymes, gluten free, dairy free, soy free, successful fitness coach, stay at home mom, weight loss motivation, weight loss journey, NPC figure competitor, NPC bikini competitor, fitness competition meal plan, fitness journey, new mom, healthy nurse

Here you have it... I am ready to fully commit to you and your health/fitness goals as long as you are ready to commit to my group! I am looking for men and women of all ages and sizes who are SERIOUS about their goals and are ready to give 110% effort into their health! 
If you are ready to take your fitness to the next level, please fill out my application below for an exclusive spot in my next 21 DAY FIX EXTREME TEST GROUP!

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