
Thursday, December 18, 2014


Deidra Penrose, clean eating recipes, NPC Figure Competition Prep, weight loss journey, fitness motivation, top Beachbody coach Harrisburg PA, Pittsburgh NPC, Pittsburgh beachbody, bodybuilding, female weight training, top health and fitness coach, nutrition, healthy mom, flexibility, strength moves, yoga moves, fitness motivation quotes

OHHH man!!!! Ok so when people go to the gym and prep for their shows, I must say from my own personal experience,  you can still kick your own ass and get the same results at home!! I do love the gym, but with my boys being home with me, I just like to save time and driving back and forth by working out at home! Plus its easy for me to get right back to work :) Its like my little workout during lunch break! 
Deidra Penrose, clean eating recipes, NPC Figure Competition Prep, weight loss journey, fitness motivation, top Beachbody coach Harrisburg PA, Pittsburgh NPC, Pittsburgh beachbody, bodybuilding, female weight training, top health and fitness coach, nutrition, healthy mom, insanity max 30 workout, tabata, healthy role model
Love it when my kiddos join in on the fun!!  <3 font="">
So I am 14 weeks out currently from my 2nd NPC Figure Competition and I am doing things a little different this time around!! Last show, I did my morning cardio at home with my home workouts FOCUS T25 and 21 DAY FIX workouts, mostly cardio and plyos..... Then my afternoon was my weight training at the gym.  Post weight training, I did my other 30 minute cardio workout (usually high incline, stepper, plyo, or elliptical.  
Deidra Penrose, clean eating recipes, NPC Figure Competition Prep, weight loss journey, fitness motivation, top Beachbody coach Harrisburg PA, Pittsburgh NPC, Pittsburgh beachbody, bodybuilding, female weight training, top health and fitness coach, nutrition, healthy mom, insanity max 30 workout before after
My before and after of Insanity Max 30 workout! BAHH that was tough!
This time around, I will continue doing my cardio in the morning at home but am following the INSANITY MAX 30 program which is our newest program out by Shaun T himself- high impact cardio workouts, 30 minutes long, no weights required, and is a total body workout! My afternoon workouts, I am following the home fitness program BODY BEAST which is where I get my weight training to build my muscles.  Since I need to focus on my legs, shoulders, and back, I will be doing those 2 times a week instead of 1.  I am not currently doing 2 cardio workouts a day, but starting in less than 2 weeks, I will incorporate my high incline, stepper, and elliptical in post weight training so I will take my DVD to the gym and do it there.  I am pretty pumped that I have my routine down and a good plan set in place!
I am in week 2 of my training and I'm already feeling great!! After gaining 20 lbs back from my first show which was only 2 months ago, I was feeling pretty bad... but so glad I got myself into such good shape that I'm getting back in the groove pretty quick :)
Today was my 2nd leg day and it was suppose to be Tuesday, but I was so sore from my last one, that I needed to rest more!! EEEK!! It was another killer!!!

Deidra Penrose, clean eating recipes, NPC Figure Competition Prep, weight loss journey, fitness motivation, top Beachbody coach Harrisburg PA, Pittsburgh NPC, Pittsburgh beachbody, bodybuilding, female weight training, top health and fitness coach, nutrition, healthy mom, cardio, insanity max 30 workoutDeidra Penrose, clean eating recipes, NPC Figure Competition Prep, weight loss journey, fitness motivation, top Beachbody coach Harrisburg PA, Pittsburgh NPC, Pittsburgh beachbody, bodybuilding, female weight training, top health and fitness coach, nutrition, healthy mom, insanity Max 30 workout
Come back abs!!
A litte Insanity Max 30 Strength Tabata!! 

Deidra Penrose, clean eating recipes, NPC Figure Competition Prep, weight loss journey, fitness motivation, top Beachbody coach Harrisburg PA, Pittsburgh NPC, Pittsburgh beachbody, bodybuilding, female weight training, top health and fitness coach, nutrition, healthy mom, green tea, tazo, increase energy, natural energy booster

One thing I am also doing differently is trying to take myself off my addiction to pre-workout drinks! I use E&E which is our supplement through my company Beachbody, but instead of using 1 or 2 scoops, I would use it over and over as I felt tired, and and now addicted... I also use C4, which is another pre workout formula, and used more than the required dosage... I was using up to 6 servings a day... NOT GOOD!! So I am sucking it up, and moving on to Green Tea! I've been clean of pre workout drinks for 2 days!! YIPPIE!!! I took a 3 hour nap yesterday and literally layer down for almost 6 hours, and today took a 2 hour nap even with 3 cups of Green Tea... I know my health is more important, so even though I'm slacking to get my work done when I need to, I'm sticking through it!! On a good note, after almost not doing my leg day today, once I got going, I felt SOOOOO much better and had my energy back!! Now its midnight and I'm drinking more Green Tea and getting my work done that I didnt do this afternoon ;) Better late than never right?!? 

On to the nutrition part!! Here is my meal plan for the week!!
Deidra Penrose, clean eating recipes, NPC Figure Competition Prep, weight loss journey, fitness motivation, top Beachbody coach Harrisburg PA, Pittsburgh NPC, Pittsburgh beachbody, bodybuilding, female weight training, top health and fitness coach, nutrition, healthy mom, meal prep, meal planning, body beast meal plan, insanity max 30 meal plan, NPC meal prep, Shakeology, protein shakes, man cakes, turkey meatballs, PB2

 My nutrition has significantly improved since getting back on track last week!! This week, even better!!! I have had some pretty good cheat meals when I was allowed them, but I will slowly make them a little better too!! My healthy food is tasting great again and love my chicken and man cakes!!! Im back in the game!!! WOOHOOO!!!

Deidra Penrose, clean eating recipes, NPC Figure Competition Prep, weight loss journey, fitness motivation, top Beachbody coach Harrisburg PA, Pittsburgh NPC, Pittsburgh beachbody, bodybuilding, female weight training, top health and fitness coach, nutrition, healthy mom, meal prep, meal planning, chicken alfredo healthy, ezekiel noodles, spaghetti squash
Chicken Alfredo Spaghetti Squash

Deidra Penrose, clean eating recipes, NPC Figure Competition Prep, healthy breakfast recipes, healthy banana bread, quinoa recipes, weight loss journey, fitness motivation, top Beachbody coach Harrisburg PA, Pittsburgh NPC, Pittsburgh beachbody, bodybuilding, female weight training, top health and fitness coach, nutrition, healthy mom, meal planning, meal prep
I did make a different breakfast since I added a new recipe to my blog and it was amazing!!! Banana Bread Quinoa!

Deidra Penrose, clean eating recipes, NPC Figure Competition Prep, weight loss journey, fitness motivation, top Beachbody coach Harrisburg PA, Pittsburgh NPC, Pittsburgh beachbody, bodybuilding, female weight training, top health and fitness coach, nutrition, healthy mom
Last but not least, some of my yummy chicken, sweet potatoes, and broccoli! :) 

To get more information on clean eating and reaching your own health and fitness goals, please fill out the application below for a spot in my next fitness challenge held in a closed group on Facebook! You will get 1:1 support and coaching from myself, along with daily tips, recipes, and accountability!!

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