
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Banana Bread Quinoa

As I am in need of some new recipes, Im searching and searching for something simple to just throw in the oven and walk away!!  Something easy where I can throw ingredients together and not have a big mess... I mean I have kids and taking care of their mess is enough for me!! 
As Im prepping for my NPC Figure competition, I am trying to think of ingredients I can also incorporate in my diet for now.  
As I am looking around my kitchen, I notice my bananas are going bad, my Quinoa is almost gone, and I have a baggie of almonds sitting on my counter beside my bananas.... And this is what I came up with!!!


deidra Penrose, clean eating breakfast recipes, banana nut bread, almonds, quinoa, healthy banana bread quinoa, weight loss recipes, NPC figure competitor, easy breakfast recipes,  fitness journey, accountability, power breakfast, top beachbody coach harrisburg, healthy mom, new mom,  healthy nurse and mom, successful fitness coach, nutrition

1/2 cup uncooked Quinoa
1/2 cup almond milk
1 cup water
1 banana
1/4 cup raw almonds (sliced)
1/8 cup raisins
1 tbsp light brown sugar
1 tbsp vanilla extract
1 tbsp cinnamon

Preheat oven to 375 degrees F
Take 3/4 of banana and mush with spoon in small bowl and set aside.
Mix all other ingredients together and pour into no stick dish (I used a medium rectangle dish)
Take mushed banana and combine into mixture
Bake for 35 min
Let cool for 5 min before eating
Top off with rest of banana sliced

Since I am currently doing the home fitness programs INSANITY MAX 30 as my morning cardio and my weight training is BODY BEAST, I am giving myself a little leeway with having the 1/2 banana and small amount of raisins and brown sugar.. After 2 weeks, I will cut out all fruit and most sugar :) 

If you are wanting to commit to a healthy lifestyle and start your fitness journey, no matter your age, size, or fitness level you are at, I am taking participants for my next fitness challenge groups... As a fitness coach, I hold my groups in a closed group on Facebook to have daily interaction with you and provide you with tips, recipes, daily accountability and motivation and tons of support throughout your journey! Please fill out the application below for an exclusive spot in my next group!

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