
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Fashion and Fitness: Prepping for Nashville, TN SUMMIT Training!

Prepping for Business Trip- Beachbody SUMMIT 2015 Nashville TN!

Ok, so I really love my job!! Who can say their job consists of working out, being healthy, motivating others, and traveling with friends and family?? I DO!!! Not always though.. As an ER nurse, I was working 12 hour shift... swing shifts, missing out on a lot of quality time with my boys because if I wasn't working, I was catching up on sleep because my schedule was so off.

Now, I don't have to worry about it! I make my own schedule, live life by design, and take every day as a blessing that God gave me! 

So prep time for SUMMIT! This is our biggest training of the year with 25,000 coaches attending this year! Pretty amazing!! We hear from top coaches in the company, our amazing CEO of Beachbody, and lots of amazing success stories with both physical and financial freedom just because they gave Beachbody a chance and took that leap of faith! 

Ok, so since I pretty much live in my workout clothes, this is MY time to live it up a little!! Dress up with my friends, go to parties, trainings, and I do get to go on stage in front of 25,000 coaches to be recognized 3 different times: For Elite (top 1% of the company), Success Club Legend (changing lives and helping people along their fitness journey), and for being a 9 star coach (have an amazing team that joined me on this amazing journey)!

Then on top of all that, I get to present on Thursday!! WHAT?!?!?! OMG Yes, ME! Kinda freakin out  over here! On a good note, I am talking about what I've done myself to get to where I am today as a successful Beachbody coach! So... lets get it done! Time to prep! Mentally and physically! LOL

Deidra Penrose, fitness and fashion, nurse and fitness, short hair styles, purple peekaboo highlights, nail art manicure, Elite Beachbody coach, work from home fitness, purple and pink nails, wedding nail designs, top beachbody coach harrisburg, beachbody coach chambersburg, fitness motivation, health and beauty tips

Nothing like a good Mani and Pedi to relax and allow yourself to get pampered!  I don't do this often trust me! I usually do it on my own, if at all!! Very low maintenance and like to do everything myself.. my own nails and box color on my hair.... BUT.. Time for another change! 

Deidra Penrose, fitness and fashion, nurse and fitness, short hair styles, purple peekaboo highlights, nail art manicure, Elite Beachbody coach, work from home fitness, purple and pink nails, wedding nail designs, top beachbody coach harrisburg, beachbody coach chambersburg, fitness motivation, health and beauty tips, fun short hair styles, auburn hair color

Yup, I did it!! So I've always had long hair until last year when I cut it to support a very good friend of mine who was fighting Cancer.. which she won by the way! Doing this actually made me realize how UNIMPORTANT hair is!! Who cares if its long and wavy and full of beautiful curls! Short hair or no hair is just as awesome! It does NOT define WHO YOU ARE!! 

I've wanted to do this for a while, but afraid of what I'll look like.. then worried what people will think... Then the color.. YES, its purple highlights! Again.. afraid to do it because of what people will think... 

Then I thought to myself... what do I always tell people.. WHO CARES what others think! If they are your true friend or care about you, they will accept you for who you are and love YOU for YOU! 

If someone wants to talk about "I look unprofessional", or 'I'm a mom, why would I do that to my hair?"... Well, heres something for you... I am NOT on drugs, an alcoholic, or on house arrest.. I provide for my kids and family DAILY and give them the best life possible! I don't think a hair color or cut will change my parenting or professionalism! If it does, good thing I work for a company who is ok with expressing who you are!! :) 

Ok you can tell I've had things said to me haha!! Its ok, hates are everywhere, you will never please everyone, but all you can do is be unapologetic about who you are as a person and keep doing what YOU love and what makes YOU happy at the end of the day!!

Ok, so Im prepped and ready to rock for this week! Cannot wait to share my amazing trip with you all when I come back!!! :) 

*Ever thought of living life by design and working from home, motivating others while working on your own fitness journey? 


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