
Thursday, June 25, 2015


Deidra Penrose, top beachbody coach Harrisburg, top beachbody coach chambersburg, weight loss journey, 21 day Ultimate Reset, 21 day cleanse Beachbody, fitness motivation, fitness accountability, clean eating tips, clean eating recipes, healthy meal plan, grocery list for healthy eating, lose 15 pounds in 21 days

OK, if you have been following my blog, you will know I have been following the 21 DAY FIX EXTREME, but have been having some issues with water retention, weight gain, and joint pain despite my clean eating and exercise.. I have followed the 21 Day Fix Extreme before and had amazing results. So when I am saying I stopped it again... its not because I go back and forth too much, but I NEED to figure out whats going on with my body! As I lost my 5 pounds with the 3 DAY REFRESH , I was under the assumption that I was back on the road to success... I maintained the weight off, then had 1 cheat meal.. seriously, the weight came back and then more! :( Since, I was not able to eat clean, exercise and get it down again.

Im sure many people are thinking she's crazy, or she's cheating and not saying it.. no seriously, I am completely honest and have been about my binge eating and emotional eating.. I am proud to say I have gotten myself back to a good place that food is no longer first in my life.. it hasn't been my drug.  As I got away from competing for now, it has improved significantly!   But there is STILL something going on.  Im excited to share with you my next part of my journey I took.

Last week, I was doing the 21 DAY FIX EXTREME still and wondering what I can do to totally trick my body.. Obviously what I'm doing isn't enough.  So I knew the 3 DAY REFRESH helped, but what about the 21 DAY ULTIMATE RESET?? Its a detox to remove all the toxins and crap in my body and its hard core... I did it 2 years ago when I was trying to lose the last 10 pounds.. I ended up losing 11! So maybe this can help "fix" whats going on.  Obviously if something works and then I stop doing it and gain the weight back, I'm going to see an Endocrinologist.  But for now, I want to do what I can on my own since my last doctor appointment didn't turn out well.

So here we are, week 1 of the ULTIMATE RESET

I did my meal prepping and grocery shopping! It was pretty exciting that I had a lot of the ingredients that are more costly because I already use them! 
Coconut  oil, Braggs Liquid Amino, sesame Oil, EVOO, little things like that made a huge difference for my grocery bill!!

Here is my Meal plan for the first week:

Deidra Penrose, top beachbody coach Harrisburg, cleanse meal plan, weight loss meal plan, top beachbody coach chambersburg, weight loss journey, 21 day Ultimate Reset, 21 day cleanse Beachbody, fitness motivation, fitness accountability, clean eating tips, clean eating recipes, healthy meal plan, grocery list for healthy eating, lose 15 pounds in 21 days, ultimate reset meal plan week 1

Along with my meal plan of course comes with my lovely grocery list!!

Deidra Penrose, top beachbody coach Harrisburg, top beachbody coach chambersburg, weight loss journey, 21 day Ultimate Reset, 21 day cleanse Beachbody, fitness motivation, fitness accountability, clean eating tips, clean eating recipes, healthy meal plan, grocery list for healthy eating, lose 15 pounds in 21 days, healthy food grocery list, 21 day reset grocery list

So that was the hardest part! Since I am eating a lot of the same foods, it was honestly easy to get prepared!! I am doing my salads right before I eat them, but otherwise, everything else is pretty much prepped ahead of time!

Deidra Penrose, top beachbody coach Harrisburg, top beachbody coach chambersburg, weight loss journey, 21 day Ultimate Reset, 21 day cleanse Beachbody, fitness motivation, fitness accountability, clean eating tips, clean eating recipes, healthy meal plan, grocery list for healthy eating, lose 15 pounds in 21 days, fresh veggie recipes
Getting prepped for the big week!!
Deidra Penrose, top beachbody coach Harrisburg, top beachbody coach chambersburg, weight loss journey, 21 day Ultimate Reset, 21 day cleanse Beachbody, fitness motivation, fitness accountability, clean eating tips, clean eating recipes, healthy meal plan, grocery list for healthy eating, lose 15 pounds in 21 days, quinoa recipe, quinoa salad, kalamata olives, cucumber and tomato salad
Tell me this Quinoa salad does't look amazing?!
Deidra Penrose, top beachbody coach Harrisburg, top beachbody coach chambersburg, weight loss journey, 21 day Ultimate Reset, 21 day cleanse Beachbody, fitness motivation, fitness accountability, clean eating tips, clean eating recipes, healthy meal plan, grocery list for healthy eating, lose 15 pounds in 21 days, stir fry veggies,
My stir-fry veggies

My asparagus baked with EVOO and Himalayan salt!
My Home made Greek Dressing from the Reset recipe book
My grilled chicken plain and salmon with a lot of fresh parsley :) 
Deidra Penrose, top beachbody coach Harrisburg, top beachbody coach chambersburg, weight loss journey, 21 day Ultimate Reset, 21 day cleanse Beachbody, fitness motivation, fitness accountability, clean eating tips, clean eating recipes, healthy meal plan, grocery list for healthy eating, lose 15 pounds in 21 days,
Time to get pumped up for the next 21 days!!
DAY 1!! Mixing mineralize in with my water and chugging! 
Deidra Penrose, top beachbody coach Harrisburg, top beachbody coach chambersburg, weight loss journey, 21 day Ultimate Reset, 21 day cleanse Beachbody, fitness motivation, fitness accountability, clean eating tips, clean eating recipes, healthy meal plan, grocery list for healthy eating, lose 15 pounds in 21 days, detox  ideas
ok, this is my hardest part... drinking the Alkinalize!! Kamut grass, alfalfa, wheat grass,  and barley grass... doesnt sound good either lol.. but its totally tolerable... if you chug water after!
Deidra Penrose, top beachbody coach Harrisburg, top beachbody coach chambersburg, weight loss journey, 21 day Ultimate Reset, 21 day cleanse Beachbody, fitness motivation, fitness accountability, clean eating tips, clean eating recipes, healthy meal plan, grocery list for healthy eating, lose 15 pounds in 21 days, kale recipe, ezekiel bread, ultimate reset recipes, clean eating tips
My first breakfast.. pretty darn amazing if you ask me!! :) 
Deidra Penrose, top beachbody coach Harrisburg, top beachbody coach chambersburg, weight loss journey, 21 day Ultimate Reset, 21 day cleanse Beachbody, fitness motivation, fitness accountability, clean eating tips, clean eating recipes, healthy meal plan, grocery list for healthy eating, lose 15 pounds in 21 days, get rid of bloating, lose water weight
I survived day 1!!! YAY!! 
I did have a killer headache when I woke up the 2nd day, but I will say it was most likely because Im so use to drinking 3 servings of my E&E (my pre workout formula).. I totally drink way more than I should.. on a good note, its the only caffeine intake I get and more natural ingredients than any other energy drink!! 
Deidra Penrose, top beachbody coach Harrisburg, top beachbody coach chambersburg, weight loss journey, 21 day Ultimate Reset, 21 day cleanse Beachbody, fitness motivation, fitness accountability, clean eating tips, clean eating recipes, healthy meal plan, grocery list for healthy eating, lose 15 pounds in 21 days, salmon ideas, asparagus recipe, healthy dinner ideas
Dinner!!! Seriously, I chewed like 15 times before swallowing haha.. I'm a little cray cray.. but it is helping me  so much!!
Deidra Penrose, top beachbody coach Harrisburg, top beachbody coach chambersburg, weight loss journey, 21 day Ultimate Reset, 21 day cleanse Beachbody, fitness motivation, fitness accountability, clean eating tips, clean eating recipes,  lose 15 pounds in 21 days,

 Seriously, I had to step on that scale 3 times to see if something was wrong with it!  As I have been sharing my issues with retaining water and fluid and nothing is working.... well SOMETHING is NOW working!! On day 2 (mind you this is NOT normal for the average person to lose on this regimen), I got rid of 10 lbs... I feel a lot less bloated but I can see my definition again! I knew it was there somewhere lol!!! My abs are back for sure!!! YAYYY!!!  There is something about just feeling tone and good!! Im seriously SO glad I did this program!! I know today Im only on day 4, but it has been absolutely amazing!!!!
Deidra Penrose, top beachbody coach Harrisburg, top beachbody coach chambersburg, weight loss journey, 21 day Ultimate Reset, 21 day cleanse Beachbody, fitness motivation, fitness accountability, clean eating tips, clean eating recipes, healthy meal plan, grocery list for healthy eating, lose 15 pounds in 21 days, quinoa salad recipe, hummus ideas

So far, this is by far my FAVORITE meal yet!! They have all been great, but this was awesome and its filling too!! I actually had to force it all down!! Not normal for me lol!!

So this has been my week so far!! 

Exercise wise, I did do my Plyo 21 DAY FIX EXTREME and then Tuesday and Wednesday, I did yoga.  I will be doing yoga and pilates from the 21 Day Fix Extreme during this time since you are not suppose to put a lot of stress on your body.  

Cannot wait to share with you at the end of the week on my first week results!! :) Stay tuned!!

*If you are looking for help on your journey to a healthier lifestyle, good eating habits, a normal exercise routine while being at home, please fill out my application below for a spot in my next fitness challenge!

Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

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