
Friday, May 1, 2015

From NURSE to Stay at Home Mom Fitness Coach!

One of the best decisions I could have made was taking that leap of faith just 2.5 years ago to start a new chapter in my life! As a nurse and mom of 2 boys, it was hard juggling the swing shifts, working every other holiday, weekends, but making time for my kids in between those 12 hour shifts at the same time.  It was draining and if you are in the health field, you know exactly what I am talking about!

It wasn't until missing my son's first time crawling that I knew I needed to do something or I was going to continue missing out on my kids "firsts".... for instance 1st days at school, sports events, etc. One day when I was working in the ER, it was many of the nurse's kids' 1st day at school.  Hearing how they wish they were home to see their kids get on the bus made me sad.  My heart ached for them.  But then I realized something.  I was going to turn into one of these nurses missing out on my kids 1st days at school if I don't do something or change my career! 

After my 2nd son was born, I decided to try to get out of the hospital setting and take Master's classes for my School Nurse Certification.  Good hours, off in the summer, off evenings and weekends, and good retirement.  So I was working almost full time in the ER (you can count full time with the OT I did), going to school, caring for an infant and 1 year old, and in the middle of building our first home.  

I was introduced to TEAM BEACHBODY and was asked to join a challenge group to help with my weight loss journey since I was on a mission after my 2nd child.  I was skeptical because I didn't have the extra income to pay up for more workouts and protein drinks.  I needed help so I took the leap of faith and thought, well, if it doesn't work, I get my money and move on!  And that was that.
My results started coming in pretty quickly and those protein shakes... yea, they were way higher than my expectations... these meal replacement meals were full of high quality nutrients and superfoods and within weeks felt a difference with my digestive system, bloating, and cravings! 
I shared my journey with my friends and family and ended up signing up as a BEACHBODY COACH!

Deidra Penrose, Beachbody transformation, Shakeology transformation, shakeology results, 21 day fix results, nurse and fitness coach, healthy nurse, retire nurse at 29, stay at home mom hobbies, top fitness coach Harrisburg PA, top team beachbody coach harrisburg PA, top team beachbody coach Chambersburg PA, successful fitness coach, financial freedom, extra income, Pittsburgh Super saturday team beachbody, beachbody trainings, weight loss journey, fitness motivation, fitness transformation story, fitness inspiration, before and after pic, fitness before and after, clean eating

The fact that I was now saving money on my groceries by incorporating this SHAKEOLOGY into my regimen and and getting results, I took it upon myself to start helping others feel the way I felt.  I felt it was a disservice for me NOT to share this opportunity that was given to me! I thought, man, if I can just help 1 person and change their life, it will complete mine!  So that is what I started working for!
I would invite my friends and family and acquaintances to join me on my journey! Some said no, some ignored me, and others were thankful that I invited them!

As I started running challenge groups or support groups, I was working 1:1 with them, giving them daily motivation and accountability, and as they were getting results, they wanted to join me and help others while continuing their own journey! It became that domino effect! As this domino effect continued, I realized, this is something I can actually turn into a career for me! There is a chance I will no longer miss out on my kids growing up! 

That was my push! I continued inspiring others DAILY with my motivational posts in the morning, my post workout pictures to show I am still on my own journey, and I continued running my challenge groups to give people a place to have support and encouragement with their health and fitness goals.  The more people I helped, the more income I was bringing home for my family! Being able to pay for all groceries for the month is where I found my first financial freedom success! It was amazing for me to be able to do that! Then I was paying for groceries and day care! I figured, this is it! Im going all in! I am passionate, I love what I am doing, and I wake up EVERY morning excited to check in my groups and look at my messages about my challengers success or a new person wanting my help!  This is what fills my cup!!

After 1 year of working as a fitness coach with Beachbody, I was able to quit my job, but refused.. I thought, I worked too hard for that degree. I cannot quit my nursing job, I love my job, so I will go relief!  And that is what I did!  What I didn't realize is how quickly my life changed! I was getting invited to all these business trips AKA vacations that were PAID by Beachbody because of the work I was putting in!  Going to Vegas for Summit (our biggest training), Arizona for Leadership, and a cruise to the Bahamas! On top of that, we are constantly having opportunities to go to local trainings, which I didn't want to miss! It was becoming a lot to handle, along with taking care of my kids and building my business more.  Something had to give and I realized my hobby for fitness was officially my passion and my new career FULL TIME!

As of March, 2015, I took the biggest and scariest leap of faith I ever had to do and retired as a nurse! Yes, at 29, I was able to leave my full time career with my Masters to stay home with my kids and work with what my true passion is-- FITNESS! Now I knew one day I wanted  to be able to watch my kids grow, but NEVER did I imagine I would be able to retire, let alone build a business by working from home doing what I love the most!

I am now watching every moment with my kids... Taking them and picking them up from gymnastics, I just signed them up for summer camp 4 days a week... and I will be at ALL events!! Its surreal!   

I am surrounding myself with amazing, uplifting people, and my team is absolutely AMAZING!! I have build friendships that I never had.  We share the same passion, we are mothers, wives, fitness lovers, and we have a goal of being an inspiration to someone.  We are here to help change lives and provide others with the opportunity that was given to us!

Last weekend, we attended our Super Saturday event in Pittsburgh, PA and it was incredible!  It was at Heinz Field, over 500 people, Elite panel with top coaches (I am thankful to be one of them who was on the panel :) ), and the most incredible thing happened... well 2 things!!

1. I was able to watch one of my own coaches and amazing friend speak on stage with the market council! Its so amazing to watch your team grow and be so successful! 

Deidra Penrose, Beachbody transformation, Shakeology transformation, shakeology results, 21 day fix results, nurse and fitness coach, healthy nurse, retire nurse at 29, stay at home mom hobbies, top fitness coach Harrisburg PA, top team beachbody coach harrisburg PA, top team beachbody coach Chambersburg PA, successful fitness coach, financial freedom, extra income, Pittsburgh Super saturday team beachbody, beachbody trainings, weight loss journey, fitness motivation, fitness transformation story, fitness inspiration, before and after pic, fitness before and after, clean eating2. One of my other Diamond Coaches who has had an incredible journey, told me the BEST NEWS EVER!!! This little lady officially reached her 70 LB WEIGHT LOSS!!!

Just seeing my team growing and the excitement they have at these events just makes me complete! I am so thankful that this opportunity was put in front of me and cannot imagine where I would be if it weren't for Beachbody and the amazing things it has done for myself and my family!

Here is a recap of our Super Saturday event:

Getting ready to start the day together!! It was my first time meeting many of our coaches and it felt we knew each other forever!!! Love these ladies!! <3 nbsp="">

Deidra Penrose, Beachbody transformation, Shakeology transformation, shakeology results, 21 day fix results, nurse and fitness coach, healthy nurse, retire nurse at 29, stay at home mom hobbies, top fitness coach Harrisburg PA, top team beachbody coach harrisburg PA, top team beachbody coach Chambersburg PA, successful fitness coach, financial freedom, extra income, Pittsburgh Super saturday team beachbody, beachbody trainings, weight loss journey, fitness motivation, fitness transformation story, fitness inspiration, before and after pic, fitness before and after, clean eating

Deidra Penrose, Beachbody transformation, Shakeology transformation, shakeology results, 21 day fix results, nurse and fitness coach, healthy nurse, retire nurse at 29, stay at home mom hobbies, top fitness coach Harrisburg PA, top team beachbody coach harrisburg PA, top team beachbody coach Chambersburg PA, successful fitness coach, financial freedom, extra income, Pittsburgh Super saturday team beachbody, beachbody trainings, weight loss journey, fitness motivation, fitness transformation story, fitness inspiration, before and after pic, fitness before and after, clean eating
Melanie Mitro #1 coach (and my cuz), Alyssa, and Sarah!

Sarah, Ashley, Dana, and myself! 

Deidra Penrose, Beachbody transformation, Shakeology transformation, shakeology results, 21 day fix results, nurse and fitness coach, healthy nurse, retire nurse at 29, stay at home mom hobbies, top fitness coach Harrisburg PA, top team beachbody coach harrisburg PA, top team beachbody coach Chambersburg PA, successful fitness coach, financial freedom, extra income, Pittsburgh Super saturday team beachbody, beachbody trainings, weight loss journey, fitness motivation, fitness transformation story, fitness inspiration, before and after pic, fitness before and after, clean eating
Melanie, Maegan, and myself! 

Deidra Penrose, Beachbody transformation, Shakeology transformation, shakeology results, 21 day fix results, nurse and fitness coach, healthy nurse, retire nurse at 29, stay at home mom hobbies, top fitness coach Harrisburg PA, top team beachbody coach harrisburg PA, top team beachbody coach Chambersburg PA, successful fitness coach, financial freedom, extra income, Pittsburgh Super saturday team beachbody, beachbody trainings, weight loss journey, fitness motivation, fitness transformation story, fitness inspiration, before and after pic, fitness before and after, clean eating, elite panel beachbody
Deidra Penrose, Beachbody transformation, Shakeology transformation, shakeology results, 21 day fix results, nurse and fitness coach, healthy nurse, retire nurse at 29, stay at home mom hobbies, top fitness coach Harrisburg PA, top team beachbody coach harrisburg PA, top team beachbody coach Chambersburg PA, successful fitness coach, financial freedom, extra income, Pittsburgh Super saturday team beachbody, beachbody trainings, weight loss journey, fitness motivation, fitness transformation story, fitness inspiration, before and after pic, fitness before and after, clean eating

OK I like pictures and my duck lips as people call them LOL! ;) 

Deidra Penrose, Beachbody transformation, Shakeology transformation, shakeology results, 21 day fix results, nurse and fitness coach, healthy nurse, retire nurse at 29, stay at home mom hobbies, top fitness coach Harrisburg PA, top team beachbody coach harrisburg PA, top team beachbody coach Chambersburg PA, successful fitness coach, financial freedom, extra income, Pittsburgh Super saturday team beachbody, beachbody trainings, weight loss journey, fitness motivation, fitness transformation story, fitness inspiration, before and after pic, fitness before and after, clean eating
Our AMAZING Team who attended the event FOREVER FIT!! Here to help support LLS awareness and our good friend Katy Ursta who is running for Pittsburgh Woman of the Year!

Deidra Penrose, Beachbody transformation, Shakeology transformation, shakeology results, 21 day fix results, nurse and fitness coach, healthy nurse, retire nurse at 29, stay at home mom hobbies, top fitness coach Harrisburg PA, top team beachbody coach harrisburg PA, top team beachbody coach Chambersburg PA, successful fitness coach, financial freedom, extra income, Pittsburgh Super saturday team beachbody, beachbody trainings, weight loss journey, fitness motivation, fitness transformation story, fitness inspiration, before and after pic, fitness before and after, clean eating

Pre Workout selfies!!

Deidra Penrose, Beachbody transformation, Shakeology transformation, shakeology results, 21 day fix results, nurse and fitness coach, healthy nurse, retire nurse at 29, stay at home mom hobbies, top fitness coach Harrisburg PA, top team beachbody coach harrisburg PA, top team beachbody coach Chambersburg PA, successful fitness coach, financial freedom, extra income, Pittsburgh Super saturday team beachbody, beachbody trainings, weight loss journey, fitness motivation, fitness transformation story, fitness inspiration, before and after pic, fitness before and after, clean eating
Sarah G and I! Love this girl!! Teacher, mom, wife, and huge inspiration!!  Post workout pic of course!! ;) 

Deidra Penrose, Beachbody transformation, Shakeology transformation, shakeology results, 21 day fix results, nurse and fitness coach, healthy nurse, retire nurse at 29, stay at home mom hobbies, top fitness coach Harrisburg PA, top team beachbody coach harrisburg PA, top team beachbody coach Chambersburg PA, successful fitness coach, financial freedom, extra income, Pittsburgh Super saturday team beachbody, beachbody trainings, weight loss journey, fitness motivation, fitness transformation story, fitness inspiration, before and after pic, fitness before and after, clean eating

After our event, our team went out for lunch together just to celebrate us all meeting and being together!! How awesome was it that we put our weight loss together from when we all started our journey with Beachbody and this table has lost 250 POUNDS TOTAL!! Well, we will just say we know enough people to say we know these programs work, the SHAKEOLOGY we drink DAILY works, and our challenge groups keep us going every day!! 

This is what I love surrounding myself with! 
If you are love working out, being healthy and want to share this healthy lifestyle with others, or you are starting your journey, but want to help others and earn financial freedom for you and/or your family, please fill out the application below for joining our team Forever FIT and get in my next 10 day New Coach Fast Track to Success Training!

There are tons of Wufoo features to help make your forms awesome.

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