
Sunday, January 11, 2015

Successful Work From Home Fitness Coach and Mom

So since the new year, I totally decided to invest into my business finally!! I was so focused on other things like paying off my car and getting a room finished in our basement, but this is a new year and I needed to make a change for my business to grow!! Working from your kitchen is NOT easy!! Literally, temptations around me ALL THE TIME... I would end up walking around, getting bored, and walking right into my pantry without even thinking about what Im doing! HMMMM and wonder how I struggled so hard with my nutrition training for my NPC Figure show?!? Yea, that would be it!!!
One thing I will say has totally changed a part of how I run my business is the organization I have with an office!! Investing and creating my office was the best thing I could have done for myself! I am focused, I am organized for once in my life, and the environment is so calming and my style! I feel like a #BOSSMOM all the way!! LOL!! So before I created my office, it was my boys' toy room... I literally took everything out and put it in the sitting room since we have nothing in there anyways and in 2 days made it my own!! :)

Deidra Penrose, goal board, vision board, success, top health and fitness coach Harrisburg PA, top coach Pittsburgh PA, NPC Figure competitor, Financial freedom, new mom, nurse, healthy nurse, stay at home mom, nurse and fitness, extra income, fitness motivation, fitness accountability, faith and fitness, office ideas, office decorations

Deidra Penrose, goal board, vision board, success, top health and fitness coach Harrisburg PA, top coach Pittsburgh PA, NPC Figure competitor, Financial freedom, new mom, nurse, healthy nurse, stay at home mom, nurse and fitness, extra income, fitness motivation, fitness accountability, faith and fitness, office ideas, office decorations
My 2.5 yr old Weston thinks its his office too lol... "Hey, don't get too comfy buddy!!" ;)-

Deidra Penrose,success, top health and fitness coach Harrisburg PA, top coach Pittsburgh PA, NPC Figure competitor, Financial freedom, new mom, nurse, healthy nurse, stay at home mom, nurse and fitness, extra income, fitness motivation, fitness accountability, faith and fitness, health and fitness coach, extra income, stay at home mom
Yup its time to make some rules!!! HAHA WORK HOURS on the door!! #bossmom at her finest!! 

Deidra Penrose, goal board, vision board, success, top health and fitness coach Harrisburg PA, top coach Pittsburgh PA, NPC Figure competitor, Financial freedom, new mom, nurse, healthy nurse, stay at home mom, nurse and fitness, extra income, fitness motivation, fitness accountability, faith and fitness, health and fitness coach, extra income, stay at home mom

Part of the start of my year was making a GOAL BOARD! WHY MAKE A GOAL BOARD?!?
In order to become successful, you must make goals... if you write them down somewhere, you are making them a priority and not just forgetting about them... I put a date on them because now that they have a deadline, they are more of a priority!  I have this board in my office so every day I can see what I want to achieve and I work hard to make it happen!  Each goal on here relates to Beachbody and every goal here will happen because of this journey I started!! 

One of my BIG goals for this year is connecting more with my faith and my God.  I was able to get started thanks to some amazing people who were brought into my life with Beachbody!  My best friend and I committed to reading the Bible daily so we stay on track with each other.  This was something that is not only helping me with my business, but my life in general.  Its amazing what God can do when you believe and let Him lead the way! 

Deidra Penrose, faith and fitness, health and fitness coach, top Beachbody coach Harrisburg, bible, stay at home mom, mom and faith, Christian mom,  Oprah Winfrey, Success

I also read a lot of Personal and Professional Development.  This helps me both in the success of my business, but also with my life in general! With my confidence, and ability to connect more with God and what I am brought here to do.  The quote above was something I heard from John C Maxwell, a motivational speaker.  I know that I am meant to be here as a health and fitness coach because:

#1. I am good at what I do.. Im not here to boast, Im confidently saying that this is my passion, and I know my heart is fully in this and it comes easy to me.  
#2. I have been given this amazing opportunity.. I was actually given it three times and took it on the third.  Obviously there was a reason!
#3. I absolutely LOVE what I do.. I wake up every morning excited to work... I would do it for free.

Deidra Penrose, faith and fitness, health and fitness coach, top Beachbody coach Harrisburg, bible, stay at home mom, mom and faith, Christian mom,  Oprah Winfrey, Success

Think about how you feel about your direction you are taking in life right now. Does it make you feel complete or do you feel you have another purpose in life? 
I am looking for people who have a passion for fitness, a passion for helping others, and want to pursue and succeed at their passion.  
If you are ready to take that leap of faith and jump into what may be the opportunity to change your life, please fill out the application below to join my team and journey with me! 

Fill out my online form.

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