
Tuesday, January 6, 2015

NPC Figure 13 Weeks Out- Body Beast & Insanity Max 30

So as I have been training for 4 weeks for my 2nd NPC Figure Competition and sharing my journey, I   just realized my counting was off with how many weeks away I was... I was 2 weeks off which gives me 2 more weeks to prep! THANK GOODNESS, because this girl needs to get with the program!!!! Was totally struggling the last few weeks!! Nutrition is 80% of your results... HONESTLY.... I hate being honest lol... But my nutrition has been about 70% and my weight training about 80%.  I missed a couple weight training workouts, but have not missed an INSANITY MAX 30 workout.  

Deidra Penrose, top fitness coach, top beachbody coach harrisburg, motivation, success, inspiration, weight loss journey, stay at home mom, clean eating, meal prep, healthy cooking, fitness motivation, weight loss tips, NPC figure competition prep, figure competitorAfter going into the gym, my trainer was completely honest with me and gave me a little... no a BIG kick in the butt!!! He said I might as well not do my show because I don't have the right mindset and I am not taking it seriously..... UMMM doesn't anyone know what happens when they doubt me?!?! HAHA totally pushes me HARDER!! I went into the gym the other day and said I have my meals prepped and Im going full force and he laughed at me and said, "you've said that before, you don't want it bad enough.." Tough love?!? YUP!!! I am pretty sure he knows how to get me back on fire!! 
So since then, its on!!! Now... Just to give some accountability, I must share what happens when you are not 100% on board with your nutrition EVEN if you workout EVERY DAY... 
I am going to go all out and show my pics that I started training for this show and 3 weeks after (last week) and how I barely changed how I look because I screwed up my nutrition....

17 weeks out-- Yea, sad how bad I let myself go after my show... BLAH!!! BUT, Im human and this is a learning experience!!

14 Weeks out
17 Weeks out
14 weeks out

17 weeks out

14 Weeks out

Yea, so there is me being human!! This shows you that if you don't give 100% dedication to nutrition which is 80% of your results, you WILL NOT get your results! 
Honestly, I have committed to my challenge groups and now participating with them!! The past week since having that conversation with my trainer, he gave me what I need to get on track!!!
This was today.....
Deidra Penrose, top fitness coach, top beachbody coach harrisburg, motivation, success, inspiration, weight loss journey, stay at home mom, clean eating, meal prep, healthy cooking, fitness motivation, weight loss tips, NPC figure competition prep, figure competitor, NPC figure progress pics, beachbody transformation, body beast progress pics, insanity max 30 progress pics, weight training
Yup 4 days on track and I already feel different! CRAZY how nutrition makes such a BIG difference!
I've been working out so hard, I forget to shower!! Anyone wanna fry some eggs ?? LOL my head is GREASY!! Priorities: Working out and Shakeology FIRST~~~ HEHE

Deidra Penrose, top fitness coach, top beachbody coach harrisburg, motivation, success, inspiration, weight loss journey, stay at home mom, clean eating, meal prep, healthy cooking, fitness motivation, weight loss tips, NPC figure competition prep, figure competitor, yoga moves, fit for life, forever fit, gymnastics, fun workout moves
Back on track with my fitness and crazy moves ;)-

Deidra Penrose, top fitness coach, top beachbody coach harrisburg, motivation, success, inspiration, weight loss journey, stay at home mom, clean eating, meal prep, healthy cooking, fitness motivation, weight loss tips, NPC figure competition prep, figure competitor

I will let people telling me I can't to drive me harder to my goal.... I will NOT give up!! This is MY accountability!! 

Deidra Penrose, top fitness coach, top beachbody coach harrisburg, motivation, success, inspiration, weight loss journey, stay at home mom, clean eating, meal prep, healthy cooking, fitness motivation, weight loss tips, NPC figure competition prep, figure competitor, figure prep meal plan, weight loss dinner
My meal every day for dinner... Chicken, green beans and peppers!!
Deidra Penrose, top fitness coach, top beachbody coach harrisburg, motivation, success, inspiration, weight loss journey, stay at home mom, clean eating, meal prep, healthy cooking, fitness motivation, weight loss tips, NPC figure competition prep, figure competitor, insanity max 30, home fitness programs, beachbody transformation
Getting on my morning workout with Shaun T and Insanity Max 30!

Deidra Penrose, top fitness coach, top beachbody coach harrisburg, motivation, success, inspiration, weight loss journey, stay at home mom, clean eating, meal prep, healthy cooking, fitness motivation, weight loss tips, NPC figure competition prep, figure competitor, man cakes, oatmeal recipes, egg white recipes, healthy breakfast recipes
Yup back to Mancakes DAILY!! My favorite morning meal!! :)

Deidra Penrose, top fitness coach, top beachbody coach harrisburg, motivation, success, inspiration, weight loss journey, stay at home mom, clean eating, meal prep, healthy cooking, fitness motivation, weight loss tips, NPC figure competition prep, figure competitor

MEAL PLANNING- ITS ON!!! This is what I will have for the next 13 weeks!! NO excuses, I will NOT give up! I am prepped and ready!! Im keeping it simple so I do not give ANY reason to give up on myself!

I woke up at 5am FINALLY!! After how many tries lol?!?! Hey better now than never!!! :) 

Seriously?? I don't even get to eat much lol and my 2 yr old steals my food!!! NOT FAIR!!  ;)-
Deidra Penrose, top fitness coach, top beachbody coach harrisburg, motivation, success, inspiration, weight loss journey, stay at home mom, job opportunities, faith quotes, love your job, fitness quotes

This morning I was listening to John C. Maxwell for my personal and professional development and it hit me hard!! So many of us give up on things because its tough, and then we question ourselves about what is best for us and what we are meant to do.... 
In reality, we just need to trust in God and know we ALL have something out there for us that we are meant to be and do.  Look at the 3 pieces of evidence that shows it was a gift from God... That is WHY I KNOW being here as a health coach and sharing this journey of mine is meant for me... This opportunity was brought right to me... I love ever minute of being a fitness coach and does not even feel like a job because I would do it without getting paid! 

 So many reasons to keep moving forward with 2015!! Its a new year, a new journey, and new opportunities!! If we do not go for it, we will never know our full potential!! 
Time to bring on the challenge, work hard for every bit of success, and make it the best year yet!!

If you would like accountability for your own health and fitness goals, this is your time to get involved... Get involved in a support group with daily motivation, accountability, fitness tips and recipes, and help with meal planning! We share our experiences along the way, but what an awesome learning experience it is!

To get a spot in my next fitness challenge, please fill out the application below!

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