
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Ultimate Reset Day 21!! THE END OF MY ULTIMATE RESET!!

Ultimate Reset Day 21!

I survived it!! This was by far one of the best things I know I could have done for my body!! Before I started, I was frustrated because although you should not go by the scale, I felt I could get lower and my body fat definitely could be lower.  Within one week, I was seeing awesome results and feeling energetic and better about my body.  It is now day 21 and I have completed the Ultimate Reset.  I will say, I lost that weight that would not come off with my regular exercise and healthy eating and I can tell my body fat is lower.  I am not saying that eating healthy and exercise would not work for me, but I was at that plateau.  It is those last few pounds that are the hardest to get off and I will say, I got to my goal weight, and more!! Whether you are just starting out with a new regimen for fitness or you need that switch or boost to trick your body, I will recommend the Ultimate reset.  It has made me look at food completely different!! I never would even touch an avocado, alfalfa sprouts, bok choy, swiss chard, carrots, or raw cucumber, and now I love all of these foods because your body feels so good after eating them!  They do so good for your body and I am so thankful I had the opportunity to do this or I would have never even attempted to eat these foods.   I have more energy, I have less cravings, especially for the unhealthy foods, and I feel like I am in control of myself.  I was craving egg whites with hot sauce, feta cheese with fruits and nuts, and more quinoa salad! Ok and a steak salad, which I will have this week some time lol! I am going to be honest, I tried a half of a piece of pizza tonight because I felt free for a minute, and I was at the toilet ready to vomit.  Sorry again probably tmi, but I am saying this because it has changed me for the best! I have never been so happy with myself and just the way I feel overall!! I am ready to continue eating clean and back to my shakeology and chicken and ground turkey and encourage others who want a change to give the reset a shot! 

  If you want more details on how to get started on the Ultimate reset, message me on face book or email me at!  It is a change for the best and you never know what you are capable of until you try it! 

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