
Monday, April 8, 2013

Transformation SUCCESS Story by Sherri

Success Story By Sherri -

My Story

I began my journey to get healthy in January of 2011 when I decided after 20 years that I wanted to quit smoking. It was just getting to the point that it wasn’t “cool” anymore it was an embarrassment not only to myself but for my children as well.  As I became a non-smoker I quickly substituted eating for smoking and the pounds came on quickly. By the following year, January 2012 I was the largest I have ever been in my life at 185 pounds. I hated myself and couldn’t stand to look at myself in the mirror. It was time to get in shape and drop some of this weight.
In 2012 I joined a gym and began working out on the tread mill and elliptical twice a day and slightly changed my eating habits. I slowly dropped off a few pounds and began to feel better about myself. I continued this way of living up until September of 2012 when I lost my job due to a company shut down.  This put me at home to be LAZY and I did absolutely nothing but sit around and watch soap operas and eat LOTS of chocolate. When we had our family pictures taken in December for Christmas I looked at myself for the first time and it made me sick. I could not believe what had happened to my body that I worked so hard to fix. I had put on an additional 14 pounds.
In January of 2013 a High School friend had recommend me to talk to a friend of hers that was a BEACH BODY COACH (Deidra Penrose) and could help me get back on track. I started my challenge group, SHAKEOLOGY, and INSANITY on January 7th 2013; I weighed 180.2 pounds at that time.  Within the first few days of the challenge I experienced a death in the family and it put me off track slightly where I went out of town to stay with family and had so much junk food put in front of me. I was strong enough to fight off the temptation and eat healthy choices. Unfortunately with the amount of people around I was unable to complete my workouts. I did manage on that first week being away from home and not working out to drop 2 pounds. I was impressed on how just changing a few habits makes a huge difference.
When I returned back home I was completely focused on getting healthy and losing weight. I put forth 100% on my workouts (INSANITY) and noticed my body changing. With the SHAKEOLOGY  I was feeling great and not wanting any type of food that I didn’t see as being healthy. I could watch my family members eat cheeseburgers and French fries while I sat right with them and ate my salad. I had so much energy. I went from being a couch potato to not being able to sit still long enough to watch a movie anymore; it was an awesome feeling to have so much energy.
Here I am 90 days with a weight loss so far of 21 pounds and a fat loss of 28 inches. I feel amazing. I have learned so much through this challenge group not only on eating healthy but on how to treat my body. We only have one body we need to treat it right. This is just the beginning of my road to a healthier me. I plan on continuing working out and eating healthy and motivating others to do the same. I want to inspire people to treat their body’s right and fight the obesity in our country.

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