
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Ultimate Reset Day 6

Day 6 Ultimate Reset
So day 6 was pretty well… I woke up at 7am and did my usual getting my boys up and ready for the day and getting breakfast for everyone and hanging out.  I realized I forgot to include my plain greek yogurt in my breakfast yesterday with my oatmeal and apples with flax seed, so I did have both this morning.  I did some errands today and took my water and food with me and it worked out well.. 

This evening I had some trouble.  Not sure if it was because of me messing up my supplements but I’m pretty lightheaded.  I took an hour nap and woke up in a rush for church so I took my Alkinalize supplement and mineralize water and got ready and forgot I did that so I took my evening supplements too not realizing I was only on my 3rd meal and took supplements already.. Don’t ask how I forgot within a half an hour.. I was not with it at all… So I had my dinner at 430 and took too many supplements.  So tonight at 8pm I was not feeling good and starving so I had my shakeology for a snack… I know it was not what I was supposed to do, but I needed something in my system.. I’m still feeling pretty bad, so I’m off to bed!  Oh and drank another gallon of distilled water!! The water and supplements are easy for me now!! Next is adding another drink mix 3 times daily for next week!! EEK!!!

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