
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sunday, Jan 27th, 2013- HAPPY SUNDAY!

It is SUNDAY, my favorite day of the week!! I love to prepare for my upcoming week I have and focus on the positives in my life!! It is 0900 and I have already posted for my challengers in all of my fitness groups, made my meal plan for the week, and food prepped and ready!! This is what I love!! It makes me feel so complete and like I have fulfilled so much by planning and preparing!!

Now, I have officially set myself up for success.... NO reason for failure because it is here in front of me and ready to go!! This is so big in reaching your health/fitness goals!!!


7 am

1/2c oatmeal w 1 tbsp natural pb
Egg whites on whole wheat wrap salsa greek yogurt
Egg whites on whole wheat wrap w ff cheese ketchup
1/c oatmeal egg whites
½ c oatmeal egg whites
10 am

1 greek yogurt 1 oz almonds
1 ff string cheese,  1/c banana
1/2c oatmeal w 1 tbsp pb2, egg whites
1 greek yogurt 1 oz almonds
Turbo Fire Chili w/ lettuce wrap
Spinach salad w red/green peppers,  grilled chicken, cranberry, walnuts, oil n vin
Grilled chicken wrap with franks red hot and ff shredded ched cheese/ red/green pepp
Grilled chicken wrap w franks red hot ff cheese peppers
Zucchini lasagna w
 green beans
Steak fajitas w/peppers whole wheat wrap, salsa, 1 tsp greek yogurt
Steak fajitas w peppers whole wheat wrap, salsa, and greek yogurt (1 tsp)

Bruschetta chicken w/ asparagus/ ½ c brown rice
1 oz almonds ostrich stick
Spinach salad w red/green peppers,  grilled chicken, cranberry, walnuts, oil n vin
Zucchini lasagna w green beans
Spinach salad w meatless crumbles, peppers, salsa, greek yogurt, ff chese
Spicy chicken bocca burger, sweet potato fries, grilled zucchini
Spicy chicken bocca burger w sweet potato fries , grilled zuchhini

Bruschetta chick asparagus, ½ c brown rice
Turbo fire chilli w black beans asparagus
Shakeo balls
1 oz almonds,  1 ostrich stick
2 rice cakes w 1 tbsp flax pb

2 shakeo balls
Peppers w hummus
Peppers w hummus
1 ostrich stick 1 ff string cheese
Spinach salad w meatless crumble, peppers, salsa, greek yogurt ff cheese
Spinach salad w meatless crumble, peppers, salsa, greek yogurt ff cheese

So here it is!! A lot of protein, complex carbs, foods with the "good" fats for energy, and everything low in sugar!! On my weekend, I do have regular meals, which I normally wouldnt do, but since I am working until 1 am as a nurse, I will be doing my running around, so I need those foods to fuel my body for energy!!

Take time to prepare, because time is precious and you need to live every minute without regretting what you did not do!!

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