
Monday, July 6, 2015

Ultimate Reset Week 2 Progress Update

So I am not sure if I should even be posting... GAHH please tell me WHY I decided to do the Ultimate Reset during a holiday... I mean really.. 4th of July?? LOL.. So last week Im coming clean.. A total of 2 ok 3 cheat meals! Now, they are considered cheats because this reset is vegan.. Yea, I totally ate a lean burger... I am NOT meant to be Vegan! I want my chicken and my Shakeology back.. like NOW!! So after my 3 cheats, I have had no gain and no loss.. thats a good thing for me because its good to know when I go back to normal food, all the weight will not come right on.

Deidra Penrose, Greek Salad, Home made Greek Dressing, Ultimate Reset, 21 day Cleanse, weight loss journey, fitness accountability, fitness challenge, Avocado salad, beachbody coach harrisburg, beachbody coach chambersburg, shakeology, clean eating tips, meal planing, healthy family dinner recipe, healthy family lunch recipes
My Salad with Avocado, pumpkin seeds, and home made Greek Dressing!

During the days I had cheats, I did do workouts.. I miss those too :( I have done Insanity Max 30, 21 Day Fix Extreme, and the upcoming release CIZE! Oh how I miss getting a good sweat on! 

So yea, in a way I feel like a failure, but I also think doing it during a holiday was a BAD idea!! Especially since grilling is my favorite and I grill meat, not Tofu lol! 

Deidra Penrose, Ultimate Reset, 21 day Cleanse, weight loss journey, fitness accountability, fitness challenge, fruit salad, beachbody coach harrisburg, beachbody coach chambersburg, shakeology, clean eating tips, meal planing, healthy family dinner recipe, healthy family lunch recipes
My Friday Breakfast.. the start of my holiday!
Deidra Penrose, Ultimate Reset, 21 day Cleanse, weight loss journey, fitness accountability, fitness challenge, whole wheat waffles, healthy waffle recipe, waffle and berries, beachbody coach harrisburg, beachbody coach chambersburg, shakeology, clean eating tips, meal planing, healthy family dinner recipe, healthy family lunch recipes
My 4th of July Breakfast I made for my family... that no one ate... seriously? My neighbors love me and the fact that my family does not eat my food, cuz they get it!

Deidra Penrose, Greek Salad, Home made Greek Dressing, pinto beans and rice, Ultimate Reset, 21 day Cleanse, weight loss journey, fitness accountability, fitness challenge, Avocado salad, beachbody coach harrisburg, beachbody coach chambersburg, shakeology, clean eating tips, meal planing, healthy family dinner recipe, healthy family lunch recipes
My 4th of July lunch... Greek Salad and Pinto beans and rice

OK, so today starts my LAST week on this Reset...I am not going to lie, Im pretty excited for it to be over.  The absolute hardest part for me is not eating meat or having my regular Chocolate SHAKEOLOGY.  Like I don't even want the bad food.. I just want my normal food back! 

Do I regret doing this??
Absolutely NOT!! I came into this with an extra 15-20 pounds of weight that I gained over a 4 week period out of no where.. Retaining water, having blood work and no answers.  Join pain and just feeling terrible.  
Since being in my second week, I have lost 15 of those extra pounds and my joint pain is GONE.. literally, gone at this point.  Will it come back when I start working out? Maybe.. but what I got was the ability to rest my body from the workouts and try to get myself back to some kind of normalcy.  As I get back into my workouts and into a normal routine, I will be very cautious of what I eat and how I workout because I want to maintain what I have gotten out of the Reset to help me with my issues. 

GOAL for this week: 5 more pounds gone for good and just continue feeling better!! My sleep schedule to continue how it is because it is much better than what it has been! Finally, a good sleep without waking up 5 times!

I got my meals prepped and ready to rock!! Sweet potatoes, veggie stir-fry, Fruit salads, apples and blueberries, and salads!!  Simple and sweet!!

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