
Tuesday, June 9, 2015



Deidra Penrose, top beachbody coach harrisburg pa, top beachbody coach chambersrbug, top online fitness coach pa, clean eating tips, online fitness challenge group, beachbody challenge, weight loss tips, accountability, fitness motivation, healthy fitness tips, 15 low calorie foods, superfoods, anti oxidants, asparagus health benefits, broccoli benefits, tomato benefits, lemon benefits, kale benefits, cucumber benefits, red peppers

Sometimes, we just need that "crunch", or few bites of something just to keep us going without having that yucky bloated and full feeling! So I am excited to help you out!!

Do not feel you have to starve yourself to get to your weight loss goals! There are TONS of ZERO CALORIE foods that you can have to satisfy you and will keep you moving forward with your weight loss goals!

1. ASPARAGUS- This yummy green veggie is not only low in calories, but it contains high levels of amino acids and acts as a diuretic, flushing excess fluid out of your system!
Deidra Penrose, top beachbody coach harrisburg pa, top beachbody coach chambersrbug, top online fitness coach pa, clean eating tips, online fitness challenge group, beachbody challenge, weight loss tips, accountability, fitness motivation, healthy fitness tips, 15 low calorie foods, superfoods, anti oxidants, asparagus health benefits

2. BERRIES- Blueberries, Raspberries, Strawberries, whatever you would like, they are full of anti-inflammatories, which helps reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer.

Deidra Penrose, top beachbody coach harrisburg pa, top beachbody coach chambersrbug, top online fitness coach pa, clean eating tips, online fitness challenge group, beachbody challenge, weight loss tips, accountability, fitness motivation, healthy fitness tips, 15 low calorie foods, superfoods, anti oxidants, raspberries, blackberries health benefits

3. BROCCOLI- This veggie is packed with lots of fiber, vitamins and minerals and contains antioxidants that can actually help improve odds of breast cancer survival and reduce the risk of colon cancer.
Deidra Penrose, top beachbody coach harrisburg pa, top beachbody coach chambersrbug, top online fitness coach pa, clean eating tips, online fitness challenge group, beachbody challenge, weight loss tips, accountability, fitness motivation, healthy fitness tips, 15 low calorie foods, superfoods, anti oxidants, broccoli health benefits

4. BRUSSEL SPROUTS- Ok, I seriously, NEVER ate this veggie until about a year ago! I was missing out!! This veggie is full of fiber and cancer preventing phytonutrients.

Deidra Penrose, top beachbody coach harrisburg pa, top beachbody coach chambersrbug, top online fitness coach pa, clean eating tips, online fitness challenge group, beachbody challenge, weight loss tips, accountability, fitness motivation, healthy fitness tips, 15 low calorie foods, superfoods, anti oxidants, brussel sprout health benefits

5. CAULIFLOWER- Cauliflower is full of cancer-fighting phytonutrients, and is a great source of Vitamin C and folate.  I love making healthy pizzas made with Cauliflower crust! 

6. CUCUMBER- Cucumbers are a great source of antioxidants and Vitamin C.  Cucumbers help reduce inflammation, flushes out toxins, and helps fight cancer. Cucumber are also known to help improve blood sugar and reduce cholesterol.

Deidra Penrose, top beachbody coach harrisburg pa, top beachbody coach chambersrbug, top online fitness coach pa, clean eating tips, online fitness challenge group, beachbody challenge, weight loss tips, accountability, fitness motivation, healthy fitness tips, 15 low calorie foods, superfoods, anti oxidants, cucumber health benefits

7. GRAPEFRUIT- A.KA. The "Powerhouse for Heart Health"- This amazing fruit contains Vitamin C, Folic Acid, & Potassium, along with Pectin which is a soluble fiber that may help against atherosclerosis. 

Deidra Penrose, top beachbody coach harrisburg pa, top beachbody coach chambersrbug, top online fitness coach pa, clean eating tips, online fitness challenge group, beachbody challenge, weight loss tips, accountability, fitness motivation, healthy fitness tips, 15 low calorie foods, superfoods, anti oxidants, grapefruit health benefits

8. KALE- Kale is one of the best superfoods and is a great source of Vitamin B, Folic Acid, and Mangenese which helps regulate blood sugar and is essential for proper immune system function.

Deidra Penrose, top beachbody coach harrisburg pa, top beachbody coach chambersrbug, top online fitness coach pa, clean eating tips, online fitness challenge group, beachbody challenge, weight loss tips, accountability, fitness motivation, healthy fitness tips, 15 low calorie foods, superfoods, anti oxidants, kale health benefits

9. LEMON- These citrus fruits are filled Vitamin C and are a great source of Fiber. Studies have shown that loading up on C-rich  citrus at the first sign of illness may reduce the duration of a cold by a day.
Deidra Penrose, top beachbody coach harrisburg pa, top beachbody coach chambersrbug, top online fitness coach pa, clean eating tips, online fitness challenge group, beachbody challenge, weight loss tips, accountability, fitness motivation, healthy fitness tips, 15 low calorie foods, superfoods, anti oxidants, lemon health benefits

10. LETTUCE- What is great about lettuce is you can eat just about any kind and its all good for you!! I like to go for the dark green, which has a great source of B Vitamins,  folic acid, and Manganese, which helps regulate blood sugar and is essential for proper immune system function.

Deidra Penrose, top beachbody coach harrisburg pa, top beachbody coach chambersrbug, top online fitness coach pa, clean eating tips, online fitness challenge group, beachbody challenge, weight loss tips, accountability, fitness motivation, healthy fitness tips, 15 low calorie foods, superfoods, anti oxidants, lettuce benefits

11. PEPPERS- These veggies are packed with Vitamin C fiber and are perfect for that craving for "crunchy" snacks! 

Deidra Penrose, top beachbody coach harrisburg pa, top beachbody coach chambersrbug, top online fitness coach pa, clean eating tips, online fitness challenge group, beachbody challenge, weight loss tips, accountability, fitness motivation, healthy fitness tips, 15 low calorie foods, superfoods, anti oxidants, pepper health benefits

12. SPAGHETTI SQUASH- This amazing veggie that replaces noodles while making you feel fuller, has a wide variety of vitamins and minerals.  It is high in fiber and helps aid in weight loss.  Squash helps reduce the risk of heart disease, helps regulates blood sugar, and lowers cholesterol.

Deidra Penrose, top beachbody coach harrisburg pa, top beachbody coach chambersrbug, top online fitness coach pa, clean eating tips, online fitness challenge group, beachbody challenge, weight loss tips, accountability, fitness motivation, healthy fitness tips, 15 low calorie foods, superfoods, anti oxidants, spaghetti squash benefits

13. TEA- Teas are high in polyphenols which are anti-oxidants that protects cells from DNA damage that can cause cancer and other diseases.  Tea can also lower LDL cholesterol or "bad" cholesterol, ward off osteoporosis, and boost your brain power.

Deidra Penrose, top beachbody coach harrisburg pa, top beachbody coach chambersrbug, top online fitness coach pa, clean eating tips, online fitness challenge group, beachbody challenge, weight loss tips, accountability, fitness motivation, healthy fitness tips, 15 low calorie foods, superfoods, anti oxidants, green tea benefits

14. TOMATOES- These nice red veggies contain lots of potassium, fiber, and Vitamin C. 

Deidra Penrose, top beachbody coach harrisburg pa, top beachbody coach chambersrbug, top online fitness coach pa, clean eating tips, online fitness challenge group, beachbody challenge, weight loss tips, accountability, fitness motivation, healthy fitness tips, 15 low calorie foods, superfoods, anti oxidants, tomato health benefits

15. ZUCCHINI- This veggie is packed with Vitamin A & is the ultimate high volume food where you can eat it, and fill up fast on just a few calories!

Deidra Penrose, top beachbody coach harrisburg pa, top beachbody coach chambersrbug, top online fitness coach pa, clean eating tips, online fitness challenge group, beachbody challenge, weight loss tips, accountability, fitness motivation, healthy fitness tips, 15 low calorie foods, superfoods, anti oxidants, zucchini health benefits

 Ok, so how often do you eat these foods? Maybe time to replace those unhealthy, greasy foods and snack with colorful, fresh foods that will help improve your health, and at the same time, fuel your body so it craves more of these superfoods and high quality foods so you can get closer to your health and fitness goals!

If you would like more tips, support, and accountability to tone, lose 5, 10, 25, or 50 lbs, please fill out the application below for an exclusive spot in my next 30 day online fitness challenge group
This includes daily check in's to keep yourself on track to those BIG goals! I will respond to your application within 24 hours.


Fill out my online form.

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