
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

21 Day Fix & Shakeology Success Story- Jessica F.


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One thing that makes me excited is seeing my challengers and coaches getting amazing results on their health and fitness journey.  Even more, success stories like Jessica's!! Hers is extra special for a couple reasons!! Jessica started in my challenge group in a closed group on facebook using 21 DAY FIX and SHAKEOLOGY which is our health shake meal replacement full of dense nutrients and superfoods to get her started on her journey.  

Jessica is a momma and taking care of 8 kids at home.  This is an easy excuse NOT to workout, but she chose to take the route to success and to get her amazing results! She was always in great shape, but after having her children, it became more difficult for her to stay on track, especially with how busy she is! Now is turning her excuse not to workout into her REASON to workout--> to be that positive role model for her kids and brothers!

Not only is she caring for 8 kids, but she is currently doing it alone! Her hubby is away in basic training and again... thats easily another reason for anyone to use it as an excuse not to work out and be healthy... all the emotions that come with a husband in active duty.  But again, she chose to take her husband being away as a REASON to get healthy.. She wants to surprise him for when he comes home!! 

Ok, I don't know about you, but I totally have chills just typing this!!  I feel like I get to be a part of one of those coming home videos for the military! How amazing is it to be able to watch Jessica go through her journey to surprise her hubby for his home coming?!?! Oh, I will say it's absolutely amazing!!  This is exactly what fills my cup.. being able to help people through their journey. Now, I cannot wait to see pictures and a video of Jessica's hubby's expression when he sees her!! To top it off, I must say, the new hair do is pretty awesome too!! :) 

What is so great about joining in my challenge groups is programs such as the 21 DAY FIX, you get everything you need to get long term, HEALTHY results!  

  • A fitness program of your choice
  • A nutrition guide to follow
  • Shakeology to incorporate DAILY into your regimen to give you nutrients you normally do not get from every day food
    *Available in a challenge pack for discounted price*

  • Daily support and my 1:1 coaching
  • Daily Nutrition and fitness tips
  • Ability to track your progress: We take before and after pictures to track your progress and keep you accountability (don't worry, we do not share these!)

If you are ready to start your journey to reach your health and fitness goals, please fill out the application below to get a spot in my next fitness challenge group!  

*Feel free to add me on facebook at
* "Like" my Fitness page Embrace Your Figure on Facebook

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