
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Transformation Tuesday- Kim D.

Transformation Tuesday- Kim D. & Her Ultimate Transformation!!

One thing I can say is what makes me so passionate about what I do is seeing people transform before my own eyes. Seeing their hard work and dedication to their health and fitness is just amazing and so rewarding!
Here is what Kim D. Had to say about her journey over the last few years.

"After having my kids I had some serious weight issues.  Felt miserable, no energy, depressed and having some health issues I knew I had to do something.  I tried several fad diets, diet pills (which didn't work)  and started a lite  fitness program, eventually became a group fitness instructor. After  changing my eating habits and losing my first 50 lbs. I felt wonderful and kept my lifestyle change ongoing.  I was introduced to team beach body a couple of years ago, gave it a try and it worked, loved the fitness,  nutrition, support and Shakeology.  Now I coach and love helping others.  Fitness is my passion, I love addiction."
Kim has been using Shakeology religiously every day to give her high quality nutrition, along with using a variety of Beachbody workouts such as 21 Day Fix, 21 Day Fix Extreme, 10 Minute Trainer, Insanity Max 30, and Rev Abs! She is now continuing her fitness journey along with coaching to help others who struggle with their weight and nutrition.

If you would like to begin your journey, get motivation, accountability, support, fitness and nutrition tips and more, please fill out the application below for an exclusive spot in my next fitness challenge! 

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