
Saturday, April 11, 2015



Shakeiology, health shake meal replacements, shakeology transformation,  Deidra Penrose, Figure competition recap, NPC Figure show, figure competition journey, top team beachbody coach harrisburg pa, beachbody coach pittsburgh pa, top online fitness coach , weight loss journey, fitness journey, NPC figure competition, healthy mom, mom and figure competitor, nurse and fitness, healthy mom, mom and lifting

Lets start by saying this prepping is serious!! Lol... As someone who has always struggled with emotional eating and binge eating, putting myself in this position was definitely something I had to work at every day!
I trained for this show for about 14 weeks... More like 7 consistently though! I know I was not as strict this time around, but for how I came out at the end, I'm pretty proud! I was not going for 1st for sure, nor did I deserve it for how many times I fell off track with my nutrition! Needless to say, this momma came out in 2nd in Open Figure, and I know what I need to work on!

Shakeiology, health shake meal replacements, shakeology transformation,  Deidra Penrose, Figure competition recap, NPC Figure show, figure competition journey, top team beachbody coach harrisburg pa, beachbody coach pittsburgh pa, top online fitness coach , weight loss journey, fitness journey, NPC figure competition, healthy mom, mom and figure competitor, nurse and fitness, healthy mom, mom and lifting
This was 1 week out... starting to cut and lean out.  The last 3 weeks are the most critical and Im pretty sure I kicked butt those last 3 weeks which is what saved me! 

Ok... You may be wondering.. what the heck am I doing here?!? LOL.. This is one of my magical ways of trying to get rid of that extra water weight at the end! For figure competitions, you want to be as lean as possible, also cutting out your water from underneath your skin so you look leaner your vascularity shows.  Cutting out water around woman's butt and thighs are probably the hardest (at least for most of us!).  So I wrap in plastic wrap, then ACE bandage so it removes all the water from on top of your first layer of skin. Just make sure you don't have to go to the bathroom once you wrap yourself LOL.. I totally messed that up on day 1 of wrapping!! HEHE I did this for 5 days up until the day before my show.

Since my show was on Easter weekend, I actually had to pack early because we went home to visit both sides of the family starting Wednesday. So I did my last minute shopping, getting my necessities, along with food prepping so I had everything I needed up until my show! Thats a lot of meals!!
Some necessities:
Hairspray, make-up, gummy bears (take 10 right before I go on stage to pump me up), bands (to do a few upper body workouts to pump me up), Suit, Heels, sewing kit (in case I break lol... totally possible to happen and that would NOT be good with how small the suit is to begin with),  jewelry,  distilled water, loose fitting clothes (robe to cover up before show), Bikini Bite (glue to hold your suit on you),   Hot Spot (to help with vasodilation before show), Sheen spray (to make you shine on stage), flip-flops, and YOUR FAVORITE TREAT FOR AFTER!! Yes, I got my Oreos!! LOL- I mean come on... who doesn't love Reese Cups and Oreos put together?!?! That is like heaven in a bag!!!

Here is some of my food prepping to take with my for the last 4 days up until my show! I had broiled some chicken, and this show, I was able to eat Filet Mignon Starting Friday evening and then Saturday morning and right after pre-judging! That was seriously like a cheat meal!!

I also had TONS of green beans, asparagus, sweet potato when I start carb loading again (I increase my carbs as I cut my water back), fresh Tilapia of course, almonds, and oatmeal!
Yes, I guess you can see I do have a little OCD in me, but I had to make sure I had every meal there for each day.. Nutrition is EXTREMELY important and you cannot go off any meal at the end! So yes, I have the date and which meal is there! :)-

Shakeiology, health shake meal replacements, shakeology transformation,  Deidra Penrose, Figure competition recap, NPC Figure show, figure competition journey, top team beachbody coach harrisburg pa, beachbody coach pittsburgh pa, top online fitness coach , weight loss journey, fitness journey, NPC figure competition, healthy mom, mom and figure competitor, nurse and fitness, healthy mom, mom and lifting, meal prep, show prep meals

Shakeiology, health shake meal replacements, shakeology transformation,  Deidra Penrose, Figure competition recap, NPC Figure show, figure competition journey, top team beachbody coach harrisburg pa, beachbody coach pittsburgh pa, top online fitness coach , weight loss journey, fitness journey, NPC figure competition, healthy mom, mom and figure competitor, nurse and fitness, healthy mom, mom and lifting, ISO BAG
If you do not have an ISO-BAG, I;m pretty sure you will fall in love  once you get it!! I  fit so much food in that bad boy!! It is my food savior!!

Getting pretty excited, 2 days before my show, I pampered myself a little with getting my nails and toes done!! Yes, I put dumb bells on my nails lol!! I'm creative aren't I?!?! :)-

Friday was here.... Evening time was getting a little stressed, but exciting at the same time! I arrived at my hotel, got my spray tan, and then I lay down and put my feet up (well try)... I enjoyed my first round of Filet and sweet potato with green beans!! Seriously, I felt like I was not suppose to have that since all I have been eating was tilapia and greens the whole time!! 

Shakeiology, health shake meal replacements, shakeology transformation,  Deidra Penrose, Figure competition recap, NPC Figure show, figure competition journey, top team beachbody coach harrisburg pa, beachbody coach pittsburgh pa, top online fitness coach , weight loss journey, fitness journey, NPC figure competition, healthy mom, mom and figure competitor, nurse and fitness, healthy mom, mom and lifting

After I got my spray tan, I was more excited, but theres not much to do since you have to wear very loose clothing so it doesn't run onto anything. Plus as tired and weak as you are, you really don't want to do anything anyways!!  As I am so excited to see my abs come out, my hubby thinks its a great idea to dig into my Oreos in the evening (my most difficult time not to cave) and eat them RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!! hehe ok I allowed him because at this point, there was NO way I was losing what I worked for and I knew soon enough I would get to eat them too!! 

YAY FOR SHOW DAY!!! Its FINALLY HERE!!! Ok, now the fun and excitement begins!!

Since this is a smaller show, pre-juding was not until noon, so I got my hair and makeup done at 9 am by Jameson Leigh who owns The Powder Room- She is a friend of a friend and went to school in New York where she obviously learned from the best!!! She did an AMAZING job and I am honestly so darn picky, I contemplate EVERY time having someone else do my hair and make up because I end up fixing it myself EEKK!! Needless to say, I did NOT touch anything  because it was PERFECT!!! 

If you would like to find Jameson out of Pittsburgh, PA and have her do any work for you (competition, or any event), CLICK HERE FOR HER LINK!

My new coach Adriane Deithorn, along with her sister-in-law Marne who also was in open Figure with me! This woman is absolutely AMAZING, along with her story!! She was one of my biggest inspirations, especially after hearing this woman has lost 200 POUNDS and was able to fulfill a huge goal of hers to compete in a Figure Competition!! Seriously, she blew me away with her story and her transformation!!!

Shakeiology, health shake meal replacements, shakeology transformation,  Deidra Penrose, Figure competition recap, NPC Figure show, figure competition journey, top team beachbody coach harrisburg pa, beachbody coach pittsburgh pa, top online fitness coach , weight loss journey, fitness journey, NPC figure competition, healthy mom, mom and figure competitor, nurse and fitness, healthy mom, mom and liftingShakeiology, health shake meal replacements, shakeology transformation,  Deidra Penrose, Figure competition recap, NPC Figure show, figure competition journey, top team beachbody coach harrisburg pa, beachbody coach pittsburgh pa, top online fitness coach , weight loss journey, fitness journey, NPC figure competition, healthy mom, mom and figure competitor, nurse and fitness, healthy mom, mom and lifting

Ok so I like taking selfies right before the show!! But this also helps me see what I can work on for my next show!!! I'm really excited to build a little more muscle, especially in my butt and legs and shoulders!!! I think that will make a huge difference as I go into bigger shows!!

Shakeiology, health shake meal replacements, shakeology transformation,  Deidra Penrose, Figure competition recap, NPC Figure show, figure competition journey, top team beachbody coach harrisburg pa, beachbody coach pittsburgh pa, top online fitness coach , weight loss journey, fitness journey, NPC figure competition, healthy mom, mom and figure competitor, nurse and fitness, healthy mom, mom and lifting

 Left- My sister Desiree, one of my biggest supporters!! Love her so much and she hasn't missed a show yet!! She travels everywhere just to cheer me on, along with my 7 year old nephew!!!
Right- Adriane (my coach) and I who helped me so much the last 2 weeks until my show!! She is one person who gave me my motivation to even follow through with my show and told me what to do to fix what I needed!

Nothing like running into your high-school cheerleading coach at your show!! HEHE!! Actually her daughter Bria who I met when she was just a tiny little girl, was doing Bikini as I was doing Figure! Small world!! She rocked it by the way!!

Shakeiology, health shake meal replacements, shakeology transformation,  Deidra Penrose, Figure competition recap, NPC Figure show, figure competition journey, top team beachbody coach harrisburg pa, beachbody coach pittsburgh pa, top online fitness coach , weight loss journey, fitness journey, NPC figure competition, healthy mom, mom and figure competitor, nurse and fitness, healthy mom, mom and liftingShakeiology, health shake meal replacements, shakeology transformation,  Deidra Penrose, Figure competition recap, NPC Figure show, figure competition journey, top team beachbody coach harrisburg pa, beachbody coach pittsburgh pa, top online fitness coach , weight loss journey, fitness journey, NPC figure competition, healthy mom, mom and figure competitor, nurse and fitness, healthy mom, mom and lifting
Again, all my biggest supporters and fans who came to cheer me on!!! My moment was on stage at finals just hearing my boys saying "Hi Mommy!!" I totally heard those little voices and it made me want to break down in tears, but I held it together as much as I could lol!!

Shakeiology, health shake meal replacements, shakeology transformation,  Deidra Penrose, Figure competition recap, NPC Figure show, figure competition journey, top team beachbody coach harrisburg pa, beachbody coach pittsburgh pa, top online fitness coach , weight loss journey, fitness journey, NPC figure competition, healthy mom, mom and figure competitor, nurse and fitness, healthy mom, mom and liftingShakeiology, health shake meal replacements, shakeology transformation,  Deidra Penrose, Figure competition recap, NPC Figure show, figure competition journey, top team beachbody coach harrisburg pa, beachbody coach pittsburgh pa, top online fitness coach , weight loss journey, fitness journey, NPC figure competition, healthy mom, mom and figure competitor, nurse and fitness, healthy mom, mom and lifting

Shakeiology, health shake meal replacements, shakeology transformation,  Deidra Penrose, Figure competition recap, NPC Figure show, figure competition journey, top team beachbody coach harrisburg pa, beachbody coach pittsburgh pa, top online fitness coach , weight loss journey, fitness journey, NPC figure competition, healthy mom, mom and figure competitor, nurse and fitness, healthy mom, mom and lifting
Hubs and I! I was so excited that he looked so proud of me!!  I know some men would not allow their wives to do it (Not sure I just hear that all the time), but he was there to support me the whole time!

Special thanks to Dana L. one of my coaches on my team Forever FIT who came out to watch my finals show!! That seriously meant so much girl!!!! Couldn't be thankful enough for the amazing friends and family I have who support me through these important times!!

Shakeiology, health shake meal replacements, shakeology transformation,  Deidra Penrose, Figure competition recap, NPC Figure show, figure competition journey, top team beachbody coach harrisburg pa, beachbody coach pittsburgh pa, top online fitness coach , weight loss journey, fitness journey, NPC figure competition, healthy mom, mom and figure competitor, nurse and fitness, healthy mom, mom and lifting

 AND SHOW TIME!! Just a little recap on FINALS!

Shakeiology, health shake meal replacements, shakeology transformation,  Deidra Penrose, Figure competition recap, NPC Figure show, figure competition journey, top team beachbody coach harrisburg pa, beachbody coach pittsburgh pa, top online fitness coach , weight loss journey, fitness journey, NPC figure competition, healthy mom, mom and figure competitor, nurse and fitness, healthy mom, mom and lifting

Shakeiology, health shake meal replacements, shakeology transformation,  Deidra Penrose, Figure competition recap, NPC Figure show, figure competition journey, top team beachbody coach harrisburg pa, beachbody coach pittsburgh pa, top online fitness coach , weight loss journey, fitness journey, NPC figure competition

Shakeiology, health shake meal replacements, shakeology transformation,  Deidra Penrose, Figure competition recap, NPC Figure show, figure competition journey, top team beachbody coach harrisburg pa, beachbody coach pittsburgh pa, top online fitness coach , weight loss journey, fitness journey, NPC figure competition

Shakeiology, health shake meal replacements, shakeology transformation,  Deidra Penrose, Figure competition recap, NPC Figure show, figure competition journey, top team beachbody coach harrisburg pa, beachbody coach pittsburgh pa, top online fitness coach , weight loss journey, fitness journey, NPC figure competition

Shakeiology, health shake meal replacements, shakeology transformation,  Deidra Penrose, Figure competition recap, NPC Figure show, figure competition journey, top team beachbody coach harrisburg pa, beachbody coach pittsburgh pa, top online fitness coach , weight loss journey, fitness journey, NPC figure competition

Shakeiology, health shake meal replacements, shakeology transformation,  Deidra Penrose, Figure competition recap, NPC Figure show, figure competition journey, top team beachbody coach harrisburg pa, beachbody coach pittsburgh pa, top online fitness coach , weight loss journey, fitness journey, NPC figure competitionShakeiology, health shake meal replacements, shakeology transformation,  Deidra Penrose, Figure competition recap, NPC Figure show, figure competition journey, top team beachbody coach harrisburg pa, beachbody coach pittsburgh pa, top online fitness coach , weight loss journey, fitness journey, NPC figure competition
2nd PLACE IT IS!!!! I was proud of that! I know what I need to do to win, and I know I need to continue working on that control with nutrition!! 

One thing I am going to say that I was a little discouraged with NPC is as the winner came up and told me congrats that even her husband said I got 1st, I find after the show, her coach is a judge?!??! Is this even allowed?? Obviously it is and politics SUCKS!! lol!! It honestly makes me want to compete in a different organization, but at the same time, if I would get myself to a place where it wasn't such a close call, I wouldn't have to worry about that! So my goal, kick major butt and easily win 1st! 
BTW, the winner was extremely sweet and worked her butt off for first so to me she did deserve it!! 
I just do not believe a coach should be able to be a judge or have any type of working relationship with the contestants if they are judging... ok RANT OVER!! Lol!

Moving on to my first treat I had the next morning on Easter.... My post workout, CHOCOLATE PEANUT BUTTER SHAKEOLOGY Ice-Cream!!! Oh it felt good to have this!! I have been addicted to my Shakeology now for 2 years, and its not so important about the calories, carbs, and fat that I am intaking as it is to get my dense nutrition and Super-foods to fuel my body!
It is hard to find a meal that contains 70 + natural ingredients and superfoods, your pre and probiotics, digestive enzymes, amino acids, and more.. but yes, Shakeology is one of my FAVORITE meals I eat daily!! It is my replacement for Ice-cream since that is one of my weaknesses!! Now I can officially say, I don't crave sweets anymore!!

Shakeology, Deidra Penrose, Shakeology ice cream, healthy ice cream, home made ice cream, almond milk, greek yogurt recipes, peanut butter chocolate healthy dessert recipes, top team beachbody coach harrisburg pa, beachbody coach pittsburgh pa, top online fitness coach, clean eating desserts, superfoods, meal replacement health shakes, weight loss journey, fitness journey, NPC figure competition

Thank you all so much for following my journey, and cheering me on during this period!! I definitely had a lot of break downs, but I turned them into breakthroughs... all because I did NOT give up!! There were so many times I wanted to give up... especially the 3 times my previous trainer heard I binged on food and told me to get out of the show that I wont even place.  Then literally, walked away from me.. A woman can only handle that so much and I am so so thankful I have found the people I have to help me especially during my tough times! I am so beyond excited to start working back at improving myself to continue my journey as a Figure Competitor! 

If you would like more tips, recipes, motivation, and support during your own fitness journey.. whether you want to lose 5, 10 , 20, or 100 lbs, or even just tone up or build muscle, please fill out the application below for a spot in my next fitness challenge group held in a closed group on Facebook! I will be working 1:1 with you as you coach and we will get through it together!!

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