
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Post Easter Fix- 30 Day Clean Eating and Shakelogy Challenge Group!

Deidra Penrose, Healthy Easter, clean eating challenge, 3 day refresh, clean eating challenge, healthy tips after easter, healthy tips after holidays,  healthy eating tips, shakeology recipes, 30 day fitness challenge, post easter healthy group, support group, challenge group, online support fitness group, team beachbody challenge, top team beach body coach harrisburg pa, top fitness coach pa, fitness motivation after holidays, weight loss summer, summer body,

The holidays are coming and it is so easy to fall into the candy bowl that you bought for the kids and family.  I mean 1 little piece won't hurt right?!
Yes, it adds up quick!! Its nice to enjoy our friends, family, and food, but you know what comes right after Easter? Time to get ready for summer!!
We all have goals, and I know that it feels great to look good in those shorts, tank and that swim suit! But without the fitness, nutrition, and support, its hard to reach those goals!

My goal for everyone is to live that happy, fulfilling life that they deserve... everyone deserves to be health and happy with themselves right?!
1.Well, Its easy to find the nutrition... portion control and clean eating right? But I want to to take it a step further.  I want to provide you with daily clean eating tips, recipes so you do not get bored, and SHAKEOLOGY, a meal you can use EVERY day that is easy and convenient like fast food, but WAYYYY healthier!!

This is going to be your 1 meal that gives you all the nutrition you need in an entire day.. all your:
-Super foods to help give you energy and control your appetite
-Amino Acids for your muscle tissue growth and repair (esp after a good workout)
-Pre and pro biotics and Digestive enzymes to help regulate your digestive system
-Antioxidants and Phytonutrients to detoxify your body and support immune function

Shakeology is NOT a weight loss shake, nor a protein shake... This is a HEALTH shake that is including your dense nutrition, health benefits, and includes your daily multi-vitamin!  Officially, your healthiest of the day that will get you to your ultimate goals!

2. It's easy to find the fitness part... go to the gym, or jump on a treadmill right?? Well, again, I'm taking it a step further! 
Sometimes doing the same old workout at the gym only creates a plateau.  You get to a point where you are doing the same exercises, the same movements and that treadmill you are sweating your butt off for, is doing NOTHING for you and your health goals!
So I will be providing some exercises that will trick your body, and train your body so you are not worrying about hitting that plateau. 

3. Support... well how much support do you have??
Sometimes it easy to find the support and sometimes its not-so-easy to get the support  you are looking for. 
Either way, I'm taking it a step further for you anyways!
Having support means a lot! Having a support group that you can go to every day to have people cheer you on, be honest with you, and walk you through the difficult times and struggles is what gets you through the finish line! 

Deidra Penrose, Healthy Easter, clean eating challenge, 3 day refresh, clean eating challenge, healthy tips after easter, healthy tips after holidays,  healthy eating tips, shakeology recipes, 30 day fitness challenge, post easter healthy group, support group, challenge group, online support fitness group, team beachbody challenge, top team beach body coach harrisburg pa, top fitness coach pa, fitness motivation after holidays, weight loss summer, summer body,

My Easter FIX clean eating and Shakeology challenge is just that!
30 Days of daily support, motivation, daily tips, recipes, and help to get you on track of your nutrition, fitness, and create healthy habits!
It only takes 21 days to create new habits, so I am giving you that, plus more!

To help you kick off your nutrition the right way, I am giving FREE  3 DAY REFRESH when you sign up with ME and YOUR coach and order your Shakeology in Home Direct (HD).  
I am now providing you with a jump start cleanse to remove the toxins, bloating, and chemicals from your body and replace with it amino acids, enzymes, and more so you are starting FRESH!
To learn more about the 3 Day Refresh CLICK HERE! 
* This promotion will ONLY last until March 31st!

If you are ready to start your journey and give your body a fresh start to clean eating and create healthy habits, please fill out the application below for a spot in my next 30 day challenge!

Use Wufoo integrations and get your data to your favorite apps.

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