
Thursday, March 5, 2015

NPC Figure Competition Pittsburgh, PA 5 Weeks Out!


Deidra Penrose, healthy lifestyle change, fitness motivation, fitness quote, weight loss journey, fitness tips, fitness motivation, top beachbody coach harrisburgh pa, NPC figure competition prep, NPC Figure pittsburgh PA, healthy nurse, mom and nurse, fitness and nurse, fitness support group, beachbody challenge group, clean eating tips, cardio at the gym, 5 weeks out NPC figure competition, cheat meal figure competition

I have not posted in a couple weeks about my journey through this 2nd show! :/ Time to catch up a little!! So this prep, I definitely struggled MORE than I did my first.  I did not have my head in the game as much as I did before, but its all coming together!! My first show, I started prepping 20 weeks out.  This time, I started 16 weeks out, but honestly didn't have my diet down great until 10 weeks out, and still struggled a bit!! 
Deidra Penrose, healthy lifestyle change, fitness motivation, fitness quote, weight loss journey, fitness tips, fitness motivation, top beachbody coach harrisburgh pa, NPC figure competition prep, NPC Figure pittsburgh PA, healthy nurse, mom and nurse, fitness and nurse, fitness support group, beachbody challenge group, clean eating tips, cardio at the gym, 5 weeks out NPC figure competition, cheat meal figure competition
After cheating over 2 days, I felt horrible!! Bloated, fat (keep in mind this is a competition to where I get down to about 8% body fat), and the only bonus was my veins are finally popping out during my workout!! :/

I am now 5 weeks out and am seeing a difference this week, but still have long ways to go for 4.5 weeks!! I've stepped up my game, and I feel great!! Only difference is that darn scale still isn't moving!! Ok, like I tell my challengers, DO NOT FOCUS on the scale!! It does not mean everything!! I am still not even at my start prep weight from my first show which was 134.. Right now Im 136!  On a good note, I've lost 12 pounds so far this prep.  So hopefully I've built muscle along the way and am hoping to get down to 125 for show day!! My first competition I was 124 on show day!  It's crazy how much your body changes as you train differently!!
This competition, I have used most Beachbody programs to prep!  I love being able to work out at home, but this close to competition, I NEED the gym for sanity and time alone, and also accountability in the evenings since that is the most difficult time for me!! It has been workout out really well doing my workouts in the morning at home, and 2nd workout at the gym! 
My cardio has been lots of PLYOS, a variety of 21 DAY FIXINSANITY MAX 30 and for my weights I am doing 21 DAY FIX EXTREME, BODY BEAST and also incorporating Body Beast at the gym!  WHY INCORPORATE THESE PROGRAMS??!
Well, I can say for myself, I love changing up my routine.  There are only so many machines to use at the gym, so for me, tricking my body with different exercises only increases my metabolism and helps me get closer to my results!
So we all know that ratio with getting your results is 80% Nutrition, 20% exercise right?! 
Deidra Penrose, healthy lifestyle change, fitness motivation, fitness quote, weight loss journey, fitness tips, fitness motivation, top beachbody coach harrisburgh pa, NPC figure competition prep, NPC Figure pittsburgh PA, healthy nurse, mom and nurse, fitness and nurse, fitness support group, beachbody challenge group, clean eating tips, cardio at the gym, 5 weeks out NPC figure competition, healthy fat tips, raw almonds

Deidra Penrose, healthy lifestyle change, fitness motivation, fitness quote, weight loss journey, fitness tips, fitness motivation, top beachbody coach harrisburgh pa, NPC figure competition prep, NPC Figure pittsburgh PA, healthy nurse, mom and nurse, fitness and nurse, fitness support group, beachbody challenge group, clean eating tips, cardio at the gym, 5 weeks out NPC figure competition, shakeology, glutamine, whey protein, post workout meal, health shake meal replacements. I am incorporating the 21 DAY FIX EXTREME countdown to competition meal plan, but putting my own twist to it.  At this point, I am only doing 1 fat a day, protein EVERY meal, greens 4 of those 6 meals, and 1 meal I am using SHAKEOLOGY our health shakes full of high quality super foods and dense nutrition.  For me, nutrition is KEY to your results... The more nutrition you can fuel your body with, the better results you will get, BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY, the better you feel inside!! I love that getting all those super foods, pre-biotics and pro-biotics, antioxidants, phytonutrients, etc helps with my cravings, bloating, and digestive system.  Its one less meal I have to worry about getting in the proper nutrition, and its easy and convenient since I do not have much time to mess around with prepping food.  I literally take it to the gym with me and its my post workout meal and recovery drink that helps rebuild and repair my muscle tissue after breaking it down with a great workout!
Deidra Penrose, healthy lifestyle change, fitness motivation, fitness quote, weight loss journey, fitness tips, fitness motivation, top beachbody coach harrisburgh pa, NPC figure competition prep, NPC Figure pittsburgh PA, healthy nurse, mom and nurse, fitness and nurse, fitness support group, beachbody challenge group, clean eating tips, cardio at the gym, 5 weeks out NPC figure competition, clean eating, asparagus with vinegar, eat more veggies, veggie quotes

I am eating a crap ton of veggies... ONLY sticking with asparagus and green beans!! 
Yea, you can say my pee smells worse than it ever has before.. lol.. Sorry TMI but seriously, I am eating asparagus about 3 times a day! 

I am also dousing that with Vinegar too and garlic! Tastes AHH-MAZING!!!

I am  actually currently using my SHAKEOLOGY for all my vitamins and minerals, but I am incorporating Phosphatidyl Serine to help post workout with reducing cortisol levels which then lowers muscle breakdown while reducing soreness post workout.  
I am now also incorporating Potassium and Magnesium since I am starting to cramp with practicing my posing.  By using both Potassium and Magnesium, they also help in preventing muscle cramping and twitching, especially when you are already on such a strict diet for competition.  
Before using this, I would literally wake up in the middle of the night in pain from my calves cramping and once I pulled my foot dorsal, my quad would cramp.  I have not had this happen to me yet for this prep, but I am preventing it now! Its terrible!!

Deidra Penrose, healthy lifestyle change, fitness motivation, Leg day golds gym, fitness quote, weight loss journey, fitness tips, fitness motivation, top beachbody coach harrisburgh pa, NPC figure competition prep, NPC Figure pittsburgh PA, healthy nurse, mom and nurse, fitness and nurse, fitness support group, beachbody challenge group, clean eating tips, cardio at the gym, 6 weeks out NPC figure competition
This was my Leg day 6 weeks out.. quads starting to pop a little!! ;) -
In 2 more weeks, I will also add in a fat burner to help in removing any possible excess fat.  I do NOT recommend people doing this on a regular basis as it is very unsafe and potentially harmful to your body.  This is a TEMPORARY supplement used for only 3 weeks right before show day.  
I also am taking Glutamine post workout 2 times a day, once being before bed to help minimize the breakdown of muscle and help improve protein metabolism.

My struggle has been real... Food is an issue.. I think I can admit Im addicted to food.. BUT I have been working VERY HARD to control it, and I want everyone to know if they want to do a show but struggle with food, its still POSSIBLE to compete! It takes a heck of a lot of failures, patience, dedication, and will power, but it CAN happen if you laser focus on what is truly important!!
 Yea, I've stood in my pantry over and over staring at the food.... wasting time... staring more... but as time goes on, I get better!!
When I feel like caving, I reach out to my friends and family and ask for help! I go in my challenge groups/support groups I run for my challengers and ask them for help!! Yes, fitness coaches need help too!! We're human and if you say you don't YOUR LYING!!
My challenge groups have been my SAVIOR through this journey!! Being able to check in with them and keep myself accountable is so helpful!!

Deidra Penrose, healthy lifestyle change, fitness motivation, fitness quote, weight loss journey, fitness tips, fitness motivation, top beachbody coach harrisburgh pa, NPC figure competition prep, NPC Figure pittsburgh PA, healthy nurse, mom and nurse, fitness and nurse, fitness support group, beachbody challenge group, clean eating tips, cardio at the gym, 5 weeks out NPC figure competition

I totally took advantage of being the only one at the gym the other day!

Deidra Penrose, healthy lifestyle change, fitness motivation, fitness quote, weight loss journey, fitness tips, fitness motivation, top beachbody coach harrisburgh pa, NPC figure competition prep, NPC Figure pittsburgh PA, healthy nurse, mom and nurse, fitness and nurse, fitness support group, beachbody challenge group, clean eating tips, cardio at the gym, 5 weeks out NPC figure competition
Deidra Penrose, healthy lifestyle change, fitness motivation, fitness quote, weight loss journey, fitness tips, fitness motivation, top beachbody coach harrisburgh pa, NPC figure competition prep, NPC Figure pittsburgh PA, healthy nurse, mom and nurse, fitness and nurse, fitness support group, beachbody challenge group, clean eating tips, cardio at the gym, 5 weeks out NPC figure competition

Ok so I have a lot of fun during my workouts!! I am a big fan of doing my own thing!! :) Even hula hooping!! #5weeks!

So... My new obsession and craving?? VINEGAR?!?! Seriously, how does this even happen lol?!?! I literally drink the stuff... I dump it on my greens, my chicken, and sip down whats left if there is any! 

So as I am always looking for food or something to help my cravings and temptations that I am not allowed, I have found shoving a lemon in my mouth DOES help!! HEHE 
Yes, I just did this!! :)- 

Hey, I always say, whatever it takes!!! 

This was my last day of work as a nurse and when nurses are at work, you can ALL admit the food in those break rooms are NOT clean!! So I got my lemon in before going in!!

Deidra Penrose, healthy lifestyle change, fitness motivation, fitness quote, weight loss journey, fitness tips, fitness motivation, top beachbody coach harrisburgh pa, NPC figure competition prep, NPC Figure pittsburgh PA, healthy nurse, mom and nurse, fitness and nurse, fitness support group, beachbody challenge group, clean eating tips, retired nurse at 29 , nurse retire for fitness coaching career
 Then the best part of being a retired nurse at 29.... Living my dream!!! Waking up stress free, going about my business and doing my workout, enjoying it knowing this is my life!!! This is the opportunity that was given to me!!
God has blessed me with what I want in life! I didn't wait for it to come though... I went for IT!! I took that leap of faith and took action!! 
Now I am officially FULL TIME fitness coach with Team beachbody, my career is being healthy, working out, working in workout clothes and PJ's, and helping others reach their ultimate health and fitness goals!! 
Can it get any better than this!?!? Im not saying its a piece of cake, but I will say when you love something so much it doesn't even feel like a job, thats when it feels like your completely just living a dream!!
Only now, its my reality! 

Deidra Penrose, healthy lifestyle change, fitness motivation, fitness quote, weight loss journey, fitness tips, fitness motivation, top beachbody coach harrisburgh pa, NPC figure competition prep, NPC Figure pittsburgh PA, healthy nurse, mom and nurse, fitness and nurse, fitness support group, beachbody challenge group, clean eating tips

I know making a commitment to a healthy lifestyle is not always easy... Food is an addiction, just like drugs are.  The only way to get out of those bad habits of binge eating, emotional eating, is to do something about it.  Find support, accountability to help you get through those tough times, and you can achieve anything if you want it bad enough!!

I am now taking challengers to join me in my next 60 day Fitness Challenge to Better Yourself, Your Health, Your Life! If you would like my 1:1 coaching, support, tips, recipes, and more, please fill out the application below for an exclusive spot in my next group! Spaces are limited so please act fast if you are ready to commit!

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