
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

21 DAY FIX RESULTS ARE IN- MARIA B. (Personal Trainer and Fitness Lover)

Hey all!! Happy #transformationtuesday!! Ok, so I currently have a 2 step Challenge Group/Support Group for people looking to reach their health and fitness goals... When I talk about health and fitness goals, I'm talking losing 5 pounds, 10 pounds, 50 pounds, 100 pounds, or just tone!! No matter what your goals are, every person in these groups are looking to better themselves in one way or another! More importantly, these groups are not just about weight loss, its about building friendships with people that has similar goals and hobbies, making healthy choices and creating healthy lifestyles, and building your confidence as a person, mother, father, etc! 
One of my Challenge groups is a 21 DAY FIX EXTREME to the 21 DAY FIX EXTREME.  So we just finished the first part of this challenge of the 21 DAY FIX!  One thing I love about this group is these women and men are sharing all their successes and their struggles.  Since they have finished the 21 DAY FIX on Sunday, there are a ton of challengers that have made so many changes in just 21 days!!
Maria B. is a coach and challenger in particular that I want to talk about today!!! What is so different about Maria??
She is one of those women who is already is amazing shape, but was looking to tone a little and maintain her healthy body! As she is already a personal trainer at a huge gym in D.C., she has the knowledge and background with nutrition and exercise.  BUT.... can it hurt to do a little more?? Of course not!! That is WHY she found Team Beachbody and our programs, nutrition to be of value to her for her results! As she continued doing her usual training at the gym, she incorporated the 21 DAY FIXSHAKEOLOGY which is our health shake meal replacement daily to give her the best nutrition, super foods, digestive enzymes, amino acids, and more... and clean eating to maximize her results! 
And.... This is how her 21 day challenge with the 21 Day Fix turned out....

Deidra Penrose, 21 day fix results, 21 day fix transformation, successful personal trainer, top beachbody coach harrisburg pa, home fitness coach, stay at home mom, healthy mom, healthy nurse, women's bodybuilding results, NPC figure competitor, NPC figure prep, weight loss journey, fitness journey transformations, fitness accountability, shakeology, shakeology results, vegan shakeology, healthy lifestyle tips, meal planning, clean eating tips,  team beachbody transformations, team beachbody results, home fitness program

I am so very excited to share these results because Maria has been so dedicated, has fully committed to checking in daily in our challenge group, and has disciplined herself to get into the healthy lifestyle she has!  Since using weight training, 21 Day Fix, Shakeology, and Clean Eating, she is now ready to prep for her FIRST NPC FIGURE COMPETITION which we are doing TOGETHER APRIL 4th in Pittsburgh, PA!!! WOOHOO!!!! I am so excited to team up with her!! 

**If you are looking to start your fitness journey and get daily tips, recipes, motivation, and support to help you reach your health and fitness goals, please fill out the application below for a spot in my next fitness challenge!
I am taking 5 more men and/or women who are ready to fully commit to a lifestyle change and dedicate 21- 60 days with me! Let's DO THIS!!

There are tons of Wufoo features to help make your forms awesome.

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