
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Find your Fitness Motivation!

As a Beachbody coach, I come across so many people wanting to better their lives, and make healthy changes, but do not know the first place to go for help! This definitely helped me find my nitch and career, because as a nurse, I obviously LOVE to help people, but my passion for health and fitness has grown significantly since reaching my own goals. Today is about how to find your Motivation!!

Deidra Penrose, fitness motivation, team beach body, weight loss, clean eating, beach body challenge, weight loss transformation, nutrition, fad diets, shakeology, protein shake, 21 day fix, t25, p90x3, Insanity, turbo fire, challenge group, weight loss journey, fitness inspiration, beach body transformation
For me when I first started my fitness journey, I didn't know where to turn, and although it was always easy for me to get back into shape, after having my second child... it was not so easy anymore.  I felt like I lost myself, and all the confidence I use to have, was down the drain.  I was embarrassed to be in front of my husband, rather than in a pool in a bathing suit with my son for swimming lessons.
It was not until a few weeks after having my second son, that my cousin who is a Beachbody coach came to me and asked me to join her "Beachbody Challenge"... I was very skeptical because I always hear about those FAD diets, and honestly, I did not have time for another FAKE OUT with my body and health.. I was in desperate need of help!
At the same time, I was a full time mommy (1 yr old and newborn), along with working as an ER nurse, building a house, and taking my Master's classes and clinicals for my school nurse certification.
I thought about it and after seeing my cousin's results, and put my trust in her and decided to take a leap of faith!
I did research and noticed lots of great reports with the workout programs such as Turbo Fire, Insanity, P90X, and Brazil Butt Lift.

What stood out to me about these Beachbody Fitness programs??
-Each program comes with a nutrition guide: For once, a company focuses on both aspects of a healthy weight loss... BOTH exercise AND nutrition!
-Each program has a schedule to follow: No need to be lost on what to do when... It is given to you!
-There is a program out there for EVERYONE: Based on your Intensity level,  and if you have any restrictions from injuries.
-Focus on LONG TERM vs. SHORT TERM LIFESTYLE: So many FAD diets are only temporary... The food and shakes are full of chemicals, and do not give you the proper nutrition, SO when you get off these foods and go back to regular food, you will eventually gain that weight back.
-Time efficient: Being that I am a mother and work, I do not have 1 or 2 hours to spend at the gym, along with finding a sitter to watch my children, while I travel back and forth to the gym.... Beachbody's home DVD programs give you the opportunity to work out in your own home, and not having to leave the house and waste more time going back and forth
-Money saver:  Paying for a monthly gym membership... hmmm, I bet many of us know how that goes... we pay for a gym, but go months without stepping foot in a gym! I have found paying for a workout program that I have FOREVER makes me feel I'm getting the most out of my buck!

These are just some amazing benefits that Beachbody has provided me, that I can now share with many others and give everyone else the great opportunity I had!
Now, back to that BEACH BODY CHALLENGE!
Deidra Penrose, fitness motivation, team beach body, weight loss, clean eating, beach body challenge, weight loss transformation, nutrition, fad diets, shakeology, protein shake, 21 day fix, t25, p90x3, Insanity, turbo fire, challenge group

What is a Beachbody Challenge??
I, as a Beachbody coach, hold closed groups on Facebook where I work 1:1 with YOU to help you reach your ultimate health and fitness goals..
HOW does this work??
-You pick your workout program and follow the schedule and nutrition guide
- I give you daily motivation
-I provide my challengers with healthy recipes
- I provide my challengers with meal plans and help them make their own if they need help
-We take before and after pictures to help track our progress of our journey
-Challengers check in DAILY: Take 2 minutes to say how your day went.... Did you complete your daily workout, did you drink your SHAKEOLOGY, and how did you eat?? Rate your food on a scale 1:5, 5 being the best and 1 being I totally fell off the wagon!
* If you are willing to commit to this Beachbody Challenge, I PROMISE YOU RESULTS!!
The only way out of not getting the results you are looking for or more, is if you do not follow the program.

After researching about Beachbody and "The Challenge", I committed to joining my own challenge.  I started with 60 days of Insanity and drinking SHAKEOLOGY on a daily basis, and I was finding myself after 4 weeks, I had increased energy, less bloating, but more importantly, those crazy night cravings I had, were subsiding!! This was totally craziness!! How in the world can I get these results, when I was spending 2 hours at the gym and not getting results that fast??
I realized as time went on, and I was completing the workout programs successfully, that having a personal trainer on my TV to push and motivate me, on top of a support group with people having the same goals as me help me through my tough times, and a coach to guide me and help me with meal planning and accountability, is what made all the difference!
I am not downing the gym or people who love the gym... we all have a preference.... but Im talking from what worked for me! I will say, having a program play, pushed me through with less breaks, which keeps my heart rate up longer, burring more fat, and increasing my metabolism!  On top of the healthy eating,  drinking Shakeology once daily, helped me maximize my results and give me the dense nutrition I was always lacking from my regimen!

I have NEVER found such an easy, convenient health and fitness plan, than those with Beachbody.  I have gone through several programs now including INSANITY, P90X, TURBO FIRE, ULTIMATE RESET, P90X3, T25, 21 DAY FIX and now currently in Team Beachbody's Test Group for PiYo, along with drinking SHAKEOLOGY every single day!!  I have lost a total of 30 lbs, and 25 inches and am more fit than I was in high school as an athlete before kids! How many people can say that??! I know, I never thought that would come out of my mouth... BUT I'm here to say it's totally possible!!
You put in the effort, the commitment, and the time, and the results will follow right behind!

Deidra Penrose, fitness motivation, team beach body, weight loss, clean eating, beach body challenge, weight loss transformation, nutrition, fad diets, shakeology, protein shake, 21 day fix, t25, p90x3, Insanity, turbo fire, challenge group, weight loss journey, fitness inspiration, beach body transformationToday, I am still a mom, a nurse, and have now made my passion for health and fitness, my main career! I can now focus my day helping people find themselves, find happiness, and that confidence they may never had or had long ago.  Im here to help you make the change you think is impossible. To live a lifestyle, NOT a diet... to lose the weight and keep it off FOREVER!
If you are willing to give me 60 days of your life, I will promise to add years back to yours!
Please fill out my application below to get an exclusive spot in my May 19th 60 day Fitness Challenge!
No matter the age, size, or race, YOU CAN MAKE THE CHANGE... YOU DESERVE THE CHANGE!! Your motivation is RIGHT HERE!!!

Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

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