
Wednesday, April 16, 2014



Deidra Penrose, 7 star elite diamond team beach body coach, weight loss transformation, beach body transformation, turbo fire transformation, shakeology, fitness motivation, Shaun T, T25, clean eating, transformation, women's fitness results, women's turbo fire results, women's weight loss transformation, lose 40 lbs, health and fitness coach, challenge group, beach body challenge

Before Beachbody, I was that girl that loved the latest diet fad and was crash dieting, popping pills, and sipping on a lemon-cayenne pepper drink to lose weight. Since high school, I was rather sedentary and my busy life kept me making excuses that I didn’t have time, nor interest in working out. All that yo-yo dieting was taking its toll on my body. The crash diets would just lead to over eating and I would in turn get depressed. Because I would over-eat after dieting, I would ultimately gain back that weight plus. After delivering my 4th child in early 2013, even while breastfeeding, in July I was still 172 lbs. My clothes didn’t fit, my energy was low and I was just eating my feelings. I didn’t want to face my emotions or deal with the issues causing me to eat…I just wanted to eat. I stopped socializing, stopped caring, and my friends/family hardly saw me. I was miserable.
I knew something had to change. Not only was I unhealthy, but I needed to change my life for my family, my children. Obesity runs in my family, as none of were raised to make our health a priority. I needed to change that mentality in myself and instill different habits in my children to stop the path of self-destruction.
I had been “watching” a mutual acquaintance on FB drop the pounds and post about her journey. I knew I wanted to do whatever she was doing because I wanted the results she had. Enter Beachbody. I messaged her on FB and told her to “sign me up”…whatever I needed to do, I was ready. I had about 30 pounds I wanted off my body as soon as possible, but something was different this time. I wanted to do it the safe, healthy way. I wanted to combine my diet and exercise and lose the weight naturally, not with diet pills or the latest fad. So in early July 2013, I purchased a Challenge Pack, joined her upcoming challenge group  and began the TurboFire program and started drinking Shakeology.
Was it easy for me to commit to working out 6 times a week? Definitely not, especially after having a baby, and 4 children 6 and under plus owning my own business and working full time? Was it easy for me to completely switch up my eating habits? No! In fact, nutrition change was the hardest part for me. Just like everyone, I felt in my comfort zone when I ate whatever my heart pleased and knowing that I would have to give up my guilty pleasures and learn about healthy eating literally scared me. But you know what? Life begins at the end of your comfort zone they say!! And now I can say that that is exactly where your life starts…at the end of that comfort zone! There were days when I just wanted to quit. There were days when I wanted to consume my weight in Dairy Queen blizzards, but I kept on going. With the help of my Coach Deidra and the private FB challenge group’s online support system, I never felt alone.
Ironically, next 3 months of my life would be the crucial ones in my transformation. Not only did I lose almost 30 lbs, but most importantly, I fell in love with my new lifestyle. Workouts that intimidated me actually made me a much happier person and mom. Scary healthy eating and Shakeology turned my body into what I always wanted it to be and for the first time in 30 years I was beginning to see abs on my stomach. There was no going back to old habits. I was officially hooked on working out at home and putting only healthy foods in my body.
After Turbo Fire I invested in Insanity and found my soulmate cardio workout that gave me even more ab definition and helped me discover how FUN cardio workouts could be. I loved Shaun T so much, and he really inspired me to #DigDeeper. Next I completed p90x3, and my body is changing more and more with each new program.

Now fast forward 8 months, I am in the best shape of my life and this is not the end. I am currently doing FocusT25 which is only 25 min./day. If someone told me last summer when I just got started that I would hang in there for this long and would some day do workouts for fun, I would never believe it. I have lost 42 lbs. and over 40" all over my body!! All I know is I am so happy that I believed in this company, their dvds and nutrition...and I couldn't have done it without my coach. I am committed to bettering myself every day and will set a new standard in my family as well, leading by example all the way!

If you are ready to join my challenge group and start your new journey to success, please fill out my challenge group application for an exclusive spot in my next challenge!

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