
Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Golden Opportunity- Become a Team Beachbody Coach!

Deidra Penrose, team beach body, beach body coach, 6 Star Elite Beach body coach, health and fitness coach, clean eating, job opportunity, shakeology, 21 day fix, p90x3, career change, stay at home mom, extra income, fitness motivation, healthy family, healthy mom, healthy nurse, business owner, successful business, weight loss journey, weight loss transformation, beach body transformation, coach opportunity, how to become a team beach body coach, how to become a fitness coach

I want to start out with asking you how much you love your current job?  Do you wake up every morning excited to put on your clothes and go to work or do you dread the night before the thought of walking into your office, or building where you work?
Think about how long you will be working there... think about how many years you have to retire.
Will you be happy at your job for that many years?
Do you have the opportunity to make as much income as you please? To have financial freedom, or do you only get pay raises once a quarter or year, and cap out at a certain amount of income?
These questions I am asking you is important and can determine a lot for your happiness, success, and family.

If you said 'NO" to any one of these, I would like you to think about what career would make you happy?  If you could pick any job, what would you do?
Deidra Penrose, team beach body, beach body coach, 6 Star Elite Beach body coach, health and fitness coach, clean eating, job opportunity, shakeology, 21 day fix, p90x3, career change, stay at home mom, extra income, fitness motivation, healthy family, healthy mom, healthy nurse, business owner, successful business, weight loss journey, weight loss transformation, beach body transformation, coach opportunity, fitness coach, how to become a team beach body coach
For me, I have been on my own weight loss journey now for about 1 1/2 years, but always had a passion for health and fitness.  I love going to the gym and working out, eating healthy and cooking up clean recipes for my family to try, and I always said, if I can do this full time, life would be perfect!!

Just a little over a year ago, after finding the best results I ever imagined using Beachbody programs and incorporating Shakeology once a day as a meal replacement that gave me that dense nutrition I needed to fuel my body, I decided I wanted to motivate others to achieve their health and fitness goals! I wanted to share the health and keep others accountable based on what worked so well for me!

As a health and fitness coach for team beach body, I run challenge groups in a closed group on facebook to help people reach their ultimate goals.  These groups may be 30, 60, or 90 day groups, depending on what I chose to make it! As a coach, I post daily something motivational, educational, and I also give recipes and meal plans to help people stay on track and give the support they need to succeed! Sometimes my challenge groups are program focused and some I let the challenger chose the workout program they would like to use to participate with!
Deidra Penrose, team beach body, beach body coach, 6 Star Elite Beach body coach, health and fitness coach, clean eating, job opportunity, shakeology, 21 day fix, p90x3, career change, stay at home mom, extra income, fitness motivation, healthy family, healthy mom, healthy nurse, business owner, successful business
Each challenger is required to take 2 minutes of their day and give me a report on how their day went... So did you get your workout in, did you drink your Shakeology, and rate your food on a scale 1-5, 5 being the best and 1 being you cheated the entire day! This has really helped my challengers stay on track and keep themselves accountable!

Why is Beach Body Coaching different from any other job?
Since I started working with Beach Body, I have learned that this company stands by you 100% through it all! They are so supportive of who you are and what you do as a coach!  Throughout my journey, I experienced products that work for all types of people, despite the age, gender, or activity level, along with giving you the results you are looking for without having to travel else where to get what you need!
Being able to work from home and change lives at the same time may be the most rewarding job EVER!!

Benefits of being a Beach Body Coach:
1.Opportunity to help people-  I am a nurse and I always loved to help people.  This is so different than my nursing career.  I am use to working in the emergency room, where I help them for an hour or so, and they are gone and never see again.  
Being a coach, I work with these people for long term and help them in so many more ways: exercise, nutrition, confidence, and we create a special bond.  Before my own eyes, they are changing their lifestyles and transforming into people they never thought they could be.  But because of my guidance, they reach their goals.  This is the most rewarding job I have ever had, and so thankful for having this opportunity.

2.Be your own boss-  No more getting in trouble by your boss for being late, being on your phone, or not doing what you are suppose to be doing because YOU are YOUR boss! You finally have the freedom to do as you please and no answer to anybody but yourself!  

3. Make your own hours- Yes that's right, you no longer have to work 8, 10, or 12 hour shifts to make a living.  Part of being your own boss is making your own hours.  For instance, These are how my hours went when I first started and was still growing my business.. I would work for 1 hour in the morning, 30 min in the afternoon, and 1 hour in the evening.  
If you want a day off, guess what?! You can take the day off with no body questioning you! You make your hours based on how fast you want to move in the business. Sounds pretty awesome right?!

Deidra Penrose, team beach body, beach body coach, 6 Star Elite Beach body coach, health and fitness coach, clean eating, job opportunity, shakeology, 21 day fix, p90x3, career change, stay at home mom, extra income, fitness motivation, healthy family, healthy mom, healthy nurse, business owner, successful business4. Work from home-  For me as a mother, I was dreaming of working from home, doing something I loved, while not having to take my children to daycare or leave them.  That extra money to pay for babysitters and daycare, SAVED!  This also means you can wake up later, go to bed earlier, and not buy extra clothes to work in, because as we speak, I am in my PJ's!! 

5. Financial Freedom-  Are you looking to pay off your debt, your cars, even your home?? Are you even looking to have extra money for Christmas for the family?  Let me tell you, you can make 200$/week, you can make 500$/week,  or you can make 2000$/week, this all depends on what you want! I have officially gone part time at my nursing job, and make more now as a health and fitness coach with Beach Body, than what I do as a Registered Nurse with a 4 yr BSN degree!  Thanks to Beach Body, my Christmas was taken care of this past year, and we will have our last credit card paid off next month!! We are not living paycheck to paycheck and are now able to save for our boys' college! 
Deidra Penrose, team beach body, beach body coach, 6 Star Elite Beach body coach, health and fitness coach, clean eating, job opportunity, shakeology, 21 day fix, p90x3, career change, stay at home mom, extra income, fitness motivation, healthy family, healthy mom, healthy nurse, business owner, successful business
6. Opportunity to Travel-  When you work as a coach for Beach Body, like I said earlier, they love to support you and praise you for your hard work! So what kind of traveling?? Here is a great example! 
I am taking my husband and I on a Caribbean Cruise in less than 2 weeks called the S.S Beach Body 2014 and it is officially paid for! How?? Because as I earn success club points (you earn points for orders made through your website), they actually GIVE you FREE $$ to help pay for your trip! I have earned enough that it is paid for, thanks to BEACH BODY! 
In June, I will be going to SUMMIT in VEGAS for a training and that ticket was paid for because Beach Body rewarded those who worked hard to help others.  All of these trips provide us with awesome training to become better leaders and be more successful! You also have the opportunity to meat all the celebrity trainers, such as Chalene Johnson, Tony Horton, and Shaun T! 

Deidra Penrose, team beach body, beach body coach, 6 Star Elite Beach body coach, health and fitness coach, clean eating, job opportunity, shakeology, 21 day fix, p90x3, career change, stay at home mom, extra income, fitness motivation, healthy family, healthy mom, healthy nurse, business owner, successful business

7. Accountability to be Healthy-  I love to eat healthy and exercise, but sometimes it gets tough and you want to give up... I have found that being a Beach Body Coach, I now can easily stick with my clean eating and exercise regimen because I know I am acting as a role model for people and I have to practice what I preach!  What better way to hold yourself accountable than to coach and help others along your own journey!  What an awesome job to do what your already doing, but make a difference and an extra income while doing it!? The great thing about this opportunity is you do not have to already be at your goal weight!  You can be just starting your journey... nothing better than being surrounded by motivators to help you on your way!

Deidra Penrose, team beach body, beach body coach, 6 Star Elite Beach body coach, health and fitness coach, clean eating, job opportunity, shakeology, 21 day fix, p90x3, career change, stay at home mom, extra income, fitness motivation, healthy family, healthy mom, healthy nurse, business owner, successful business
8. Grow as a person-  So I am not the type to take time and read books, because I just feel like I do not have the time.  I have found that I now read more than I ever have even during college because I am now reading books that make a difference not only in my career, but in my life in general! Personal development is huge for me and my coaches because we learn how to stay consistent, motivated, and also how to grow as a leader!  Since I started coaching, I did a lot of research on clean eating, and different recipes for cooking for my family.  Since I knew I was going to be teaching others how to live a healthy lifestyle, I knew what I had to do. I now have books upon books, and I have made my family into a family that loves to eat healthy, and I now can enjoy every minute knowing that we are setting a great example as parents for our children!

Deidra Penrose, team beach body, beach body coach, 6 Star Elite Beach body coach, health and fitness coach, clean eating, job opportunity, shakeology, 21 day fix, p90x3, career change, stay at home mom, extra income, fitness motivation, healthy family, healthy mom, healthy nurse, business owner, successful business

9. Meet new people-  I am such a people person and let me tell you how amazing it feels to build long lasting friendships with people that have so much in common with you! You love to do the same things... help people with learning how to live healthy lifestyles, live a healthy lifestyle on your own by eating clean and exercise of course!!
Deidra Penrose, team beach body, beach body coach, 6 Star Elite Beach body coach, health and fitness coach, clean eating, job opportunity, shakeology, 21 day fix, p90x3, career change, stay at home mom, extra income, fitness motivation, healthy family, healthy mom, healthy nurse, business owner, successful business
10.DISCOUNT- Ok nothing like getting your products that you use to stay healthy and getting them for discounted price! Yes, my SHAKEOLOGY (healthy shake meal replacement full of dense nutrition), and all my workouts (TURBO FIRE, Focus T25INSANITYP90X3, 21 DAY FIX and ULTIMATE RESET) are also given to me at a discounted price! You get 25% discount on ALL Beach Body products! YES PLEASE!!

I am so happy to say I go to bed excited to wake up in the morning.. I can give you 10 reasons to become a Beachbody coach, but if you ask me the negative side... Im going to be honest and say fortunately I have not found any examples to give you! 

If you have a passion and love for health and fitness, you like helping people, you enjoy working from home, then I suggest you join me on this amazing journey of fun!

I have gone from being a full time nurse, to part time, to RN when needed and am mainly a stay at home mom with having a bigger income with beach body in just 1 year than I have done in 5 years as a full time nurse with a BSN in nursing!  Just in this short period of time, I have become an Elite Beachbody coach which is the top 1% of all Beachbody coaches in the company (over 145,000 coaches)!

This is not about how long you can go to school to have an income, its about if you want to grow and how much you want to succeed!  Success does not happen by chance, it happens by choice! You can take a leap of faith now and save yourself from regret later!  You never know what the future hold until you try!  I told myself when I started, what is the worst that can happen?? I am in the same spot I started in, or I build a business to support my family and have a crazy awesome and healthy lifestyle!

Deidra Penrose, team beach body, beach body coach, 6 Star Elite Beach body coach, health and fitness coach, clean eating, job opportunity, shakeology, 21 day fix, p90x3, career change, stay at home mom, extra income, fitness motivation, healthy family, healthy mom, healthy nurse, business owner, successful business

If you would like an exclusive spot in my next Coach Basics training starting April 7th, please fill out this application and I will get back to you within the next 24 hours. 

There are tons of Wufoo features to help make your forms awesome.

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