
Thursday, March 6, 2014

My Journey as a 6 Star Elite Beach Body Coach and 5 Tips on Running a Successful Business

So today was a HUGE day for me! I have been working as a health and fitness coach for just about 16 months now and I am now really starting to see not only the reward from helping so many people, but also the financial reward that comes along with paying it forward and putting time and dedication into your business.
Deidra Penrose, 6 Star Elite Beach Body Coach, extra income, work from home, successful business, Beach body, Shakeology, Challenge group, job opportunity, health and fitness coach, top coach, 5 tips on a successful business, beach body journey, weight loss, weight loss transformation, clean eating, fitness programs, 3 vital behaviors, time management, goals, dream big, forever fitSo my business started in the middle of last November after participating in a challenge group which is a support group where you get to pick any fitness program by TEAM BEACH BODY and incorporate SHAKEOLOGYonce daily to get the dense nutrition you need to maximize your results and improve your overall health! This group helped me stay accountable and motivated for reaching my ultimate goals. I received 1:1 coaching and had to check in daily to share with my coach how my day went and whether I drank my shake, did my workout, and even rated my food intake! If this isn't accountability, I don't know what is.  But it definitely helped me reach some awesome goals!
Now I was not quite at my goal, but was seeing great progress and decided I loved what I was doing, so I decided to take my love for helping people ( I am also a Registered Nurse) to a different level and become a health and fitness coach myself! I loved the challenge groups and wanted to help my family and friends see great results! I knew using Beach Body was the way to go.. There is no bad thing I can say about these products... They are here for simple reasons... They are made to change your life and improve your health and lifestyle!
As I started as a coach, I continued my own journey, but was very fearful of inviting people to a challenge group because I felt I was being "selly"... I am probably the worst salesperson you will EVER find! Its just not my cup of tea... I went 2 months before really finding WHY this career was important to me.
It wasn't until January that I went to a Super Saturday in Pittsburgh and met some amazing coaches that were so motivating and inspiring and decided this was my calling... I needed this! From then on, I jumped on board with trying to find people who wanted the lifestyle change, but didn't know where to find the help... I had to go to them! I messaged people, I got denied (more than you can imagine), BUT the important part of this is I did NOT give up!!
When something is so important in your life, you never give up on it... I mean, would you give up on your husband, wife, or children?!? Absolutely not!  So I started to treat my business like a business and not just a hobby.. I stayed consistent whether I was frustrated or not.  I then found personal development.  People may think reading personal development is for nerds or millionaires.. Guess what?! I never read a book in my life... Pathetic I know. But this is different.  The kind of different that it's one of those things I will just say "You have to just do it and read it to find out for yourself how much it will actually change you and your outlook on life in general."  I have been reading 10-15 minutes daily and each day was like finding a new motivation to keep me going and keep me consistent with what is important to me.
Deidra Penrose, work from home, 6 Star Elite Beach Body Coach, successful business, Beach body, Shakeology, Challenge group, job opportunity, health and fitness coach, top coach, 5 tips on a successful business, beach body journey, weight loss, weight loss transformation, clean eating, fitness programs, 3 vital behaviors, time management, goals, dream big, forever fit, extra incomeApril 1st, I became a diamond beach body coach.. I seriously felt like I was on top of the world being able to call myself a "Diamond" coach.  Why?? I was going for the rank and name... But then I was realizing, holding Diamond is harder than I thought and as I almost lost my Diamond status 2 times, I realized once you hit Diamond, you cannot sit back and enjoy the name... You now have to own up to the rank and take the lead.  You need to push harder, and add new roles such as building a team, running coach training groups, and acting as the leader.  As I sat there at Diamond having 1 or 2 new coaches who wanted to work the business, I felt my success would never come.
As months went by and I stayed consistent with my 3 vital behaviors- Being a product of the product and using every program and drinking Shakeology every day, I was also inviting every day and reading my personal development, it hit me!  In the month of September, I had 5 coaches (4 brand spanking new) who said to me they want to be diamond! I am pretty sure I thought I was going to fall over... hoping this was true and I finally found coaches who had the same passion for me and that I can share my experience with.  It wasn't until 5  weeks later, every week each of them hit Diamond just like they planned.. then I was ready to fall over! A miracle?? A dream?? Luck?? NO, it was pure hard work that was finally paying off!!  On my 1 year Anniversary working as a health and fitness coach, I was a 5 star qualifying Diamond Beach body coach and qualifying for Elite for 2013!
Qualifying for 6 weeks was probably the most stressful times I have had yet, but I will say it was sooo worth it!! I was gaining leadership skills, building my business, and helping tons of people!!
December 25th was the day I found out I had done it! I had reached my highest goal I made of becoming a 5 star Elite coach.. Better yet, I was 6 star Qualifying! This means, I made it to the top 1% of all 140,000 Beach Body coaches in the entire company in just 1 year!
Now its time to talk a little more about the financial reward that comes with hard work and Beach Body.  Just like any other job, when you work hard, you get paid.. The DIFFERENCE between Beach Body and every other job is the harder you work, the more you make... there is no limit! There is no begging for a raise... You make your raise! So here is how it went.. I am a little nervous sharing this with everyone, but I'm going to do it... WHY?? Because I am so proud of my accomplishments to this day.  I have put in hours, helped as many people as possible, and I care.. That matters!!
So as I said before, I am a nurse and a coach..
With Beach Body, I was able to go part-time as a nurse, and focus a little more on my own business.  By the time my 1 year Anniversary came with Beach Body, I had almost made up for working part time.  By December, which is 1 month after my 1 year, I was making what I did as a nurse.. 900$/week.
It wasn't until today that something caught my eye... I went from December until today- 2 months... I TRIPLED MY PAYCHECK!! I just made 2,781.25 in 1 week! I just made more than I do in 2 weeks as a full time RN with my BSN in just 1 week and all the the training I needed to start this amazing successful business is just a 3 hour Coach Training Academy!?!
Deidra Penrose, work from home, 6 Star Elite Beach Body Coach, successful business, Beach body, Shakeology, Challenge group, job opportunity, health and fitness coach, top coach, 5 tips on a successful business, beach body journey, weight loss, weight loss transformation, clean eating, fitness programs, 3 vital behaviors, time management, goals, dream big, forever fit, extra income

I am not saying this to brag, I am showing you all this because I want EVERYONE out there to see the possibilities that are available to you if having a career in health and fitness is what you want! If this is your passion and you love being healthy, along with helping others, this can be for you! Your success depends on YOU!! No one else, but YOU!!

I am a normal person like every one else.. I have weaknesses and a story behind WHY I am so passionate about success today.  I am willing to share that I had a not so great life at a point growing up.... I will admit, I lived in a trailer when I was young, my parents were on welfare at a point in time... my father didn't care to work, he left everything for my mother to do.. I moved with my mother when they divorced and my bed was a blow up bed... we did not have furniture for a while, and I did not have the luxury of shopping at nice stores... but you know what?! What got me here today was me seeing how strong my mother was on her own and I saw she made things possible.. She put a roof over my head, she somehow managed as a single mother with hardly anything to spare to have furniture in the house, and to treat me as much as possible even if she was breaking the bank.  So why not follow in my mother's footsteps?? Why not be strong like I was taught to be and reach for goals no matter how high and far away they seemed?! 

Just because times get tough, does not mean you can give up on life.  God does not give us things we cannot handle.  He gives strong people situations because he knows we can handle them.  We have battles, and we get through them.  Just like my mother and I did.  Now, we are strong, successful, and are thankful we were put in the situations we were because we learn from every experience and only grow from them!
This journey so far has taught me more than I ever thought was possible.  What is even better about this journey is it will only get better from here.  More friendships, more successes, and more happiness!

Now that I have gone through my ENTIRE journey so far, I want to share with you all what I feel are the 5 most Important Tips of running a successful business:

1. Find your WHY- The more important your WHY is for becoming a Beach body coach, the more drive you will have towards success!
Whether it is family, health reasons, or just the passion for helping people, let that WHY stick with you every where you go and never let it go! 

2. Set goals- Big and small, I want you to set goals constantly.. I set not only monthly goals, but weekly goals as well! Break them down and give yourself a dead line to meet them.  If you do not give your goals a dead line, you are not showing any importance to them and you may find it difficult to meet them.
There is nothing wrong with going back and re-evaluating every so often too.  My goals change from time to time and that is ok, as long as you are staying on track with them and always pushing to reach them!

3.Time Management- This is a biggie for me and probably my weakness. 
In order to be successful and have a happy home life, you need to separate your family life from your business. Set business hours.  During those hours, you work your business and that is all.  When you set family time, you make it family time and focus on them. If you are multi tasking, you may find yourself working way longer than needed and not finishing tasks.
Deidra Penrose, work from home, 6 Star Elite Beach Body Coach, successful business, Beach body, Shakeology, Challenge group, job opportunity, health and fitness coach, top coach, 5 tips on a successful business, beach body journey, weight loss, weight loss transformation, clean eating, fitness programs, 3 vital behaviors, time management, goals, dream big, forever fit, extra income4. Incorporate the 3 Vital behaviors- I cannot stress it enough, if you are inviting every day, people to join you on this journey, helping people find themselves and live that healthy lifestyle they have always wanted, reading personal development, and being a product of the product (using the workouts regularly and drinking your SHAKEOLOGY to stay on top of your own health), you will find success coming your way.  You will find it easier to do your job and it will be less of a job by making these all habits!

5. Believe in the products and Beach Body as a company- Realize what Beach Body stands for is completely real.. There is nothing better than standing by a company who promotes not only healthy eating, but exercise too.. This is NOT about dieting, but about living a healthy and fulling lifestyle.  Yes, Beach Body is a mulit-level marketing company, and I am proud to stand by this... WHY?!? Because people do not realize they are using multi level marketing on a daily basis.  For example, you go to a movie theater and see a great movie, you are going to tell people about it right?! Here is the difference.. you are promoting something, but not getting paid or reaping the benefits!  Why not promote something you know works and changes lives and get the rewards from it?! Beach Body is one amazing company who makes it easy for their coaches to succeed... Tell me, what other company gives you free leads, customers, for putting in some work?? How about inventory.. we do not have to worry about that, because Beach Body has given us websites that our customers can simply go on our website and choose what program they want to use, and everything is done for you! 

I can not say enough, how thankful I am that this opportunity has come my way... It was truly a blessing and I am so thankful to have been able to share this with so many other coaches I have on my team! But I am ready to go further... I am ready to give more people this opportunity! I am looking for 5 hard working, passionate people who love health and fitness and are wanting to take it to the next step and be a successful business owner with me! I am looking for people who are ready for a 30 day training with me so I can teach you about success and how to earn $500 or even $2,000 in just 1 week!

If you are ready to commit, please fill out the application below for a spot in my next Coach Apprenticeship starting in April!
If you are worried about getting started, think about suffering the regret from not going for an opportunity that may change your life!

Deidra Penrose, work from home, 6 Star Elite Beach Body Coach, successful business, Beach body, Shakeology, Challenge group, job opportunity, health and fitness coach, top coach, 5 tips on a successful business, beach body journey, weight loss, weight loss transformation, clean eating, fitness programs, 3 vital behaviors, time management, goals, dream big, forever fit, extra income

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