
Sunday, February 16, 2014

Transformation SHAKEOLOGY

Here is Katie.. we went to elementary school and middle school together, but never kept in touch after me moving away from the area. Although we became friends on face book, never really spoke until she saw that I was coaching and became interested with Beach body!  I am so excited for Katie to share her story with you all! This is what is so special about Katie's story... Its not just weight loss.... this is where the health benefits come into play!!

deidra penrose, shakeology transformation, clean eating, weight loss results, beach body transformations, fitness motivation, 5 star elite beach body coach, brazil butt lift  transformation, health and fitness coach, P90X3  transformationMy name is Katie Scuffle, and I started my journey with SHAKEOLOGY and Beach body, in November. I had been recently diagnosed with hyperthyroidism, basically meaning my metabolism wasn't working. I would fall asleep if I sat still to long, and barely had energy to do anything let alone workout. Normal levels are between 3 and 0.3, mine were at 15. My Dr. Got me on synthroid but I new I needed to make a lot more changes if I was going to get better.
  That's when I contacted Deidra, about shakeology. I knew that better nutrition was going to be the key to feeling better so I started in my first challenge group to learn better eating habits. In that first group I just focused on clean eating and SHAKEOLOGY, and by the end of the 30 days I had lost 13 lbs, but most importantly my thyroid levels went from a 15 to a 1.5. My Dr. was shocked at my progress, and so was I. The second month I began to workout to BRAZIL BUTT LIFT everyday and by the beginning of this year I was ready for a new challenges. I am now 1 month into P90X3 and lost 10 lbs 8 inches this past month. Total in the last 90 days I have lost 35lbs and 24 inches! I am still a work in progress but I am loving the process.

  What I love most about shakeology is how it fills nutritional gaps. I have been a vegetarian since I was nine, so I tend to lack iron and protein. With shakeology I am finally getting balanced nutrition. And it is quick and easy which is a major bonus between working 2 jobs. I feel amazing now and am so happy to have my health back.

I am so happy that Katie and I had reconnected! It was definitely a blessing not only to allow her to have an awesome transformation, but also gain a great friendship! 

If you would like to get started on your own transformation, fill out the application below for a spot in my next fitness challenge group! This is a closed group on face book, where I work 1:1 with you by giving fitness and nutrition tips, recipes, motivation, and accountability to help you reach your ultimate health and fitness goals! 

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