
Monday, April 15, 2013

Stacey's Transformatin Success Story!!!

I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease in 2011…evidently I have had this disease for 17 + years….I had gradually developed more symptoms over the years. By December 2011, I had severe headaches, numbness and tingling in my extremities, dizziness, fatigue, memory loss, and joint pain. Did I mention fatigue? I could hardly get up in the morning and would need a 3 hour nap mid day to just make it through the day. I had been on a course of antibiotics lasting 14 months with some improvments, but the side effects from those meds had me taking other medications to counteract those sid effects….for instance: I was on Flagyl…which gave me terrible I took Protonix to counter act the refulx…which depleated my magnesium and made my face twitch and gave me palpitations…so I had to take magnesium supplements which gave me diarrhea (TMI)…so then I had to take all these fiber blends and antidiarrhea meds…oh my… was awful. I had borderline high blood pressure from everything. The doctor was going to start me on a pill for that next.   My doctor had me taking a ton of herbal supplements and reccomended I go on a “zero –fat” diet. Um. Okay? My doctor is not…NOT an nutritional genius. I had had enough!! I explained that we need fat for various reasons, and took it upon myself to conquer this disease through diet and exercise.
I had been reading about clean eating and came across SHAKEOLOGY. I was amazed at the ingredients listed and the powerful healing effects most of them bragged to accomplish. I saw a few posts on Facebook by Deidra Penrose about SHAKEOLOGY, and I thought, “hmm, I know her, will order it through her…but she better not bother me…or harass me ….or try to sell me anything more.” (haha) She harassed me very slyly. I didn’t even realize she was doing it. She sent me recipes, meal plans, etc. Then she asked if I wanted to join a 90 day challenge group. Sure….what did I have to lose? Soon, she had me signing up as a BEACH BODY COACH as well.
I submersed myself in researching clean eating, and religiously did my workouts (TURBO FIRE!!). I did not miss any in 90 days. The most amazing thing was how I felt just 30 days after drinking SHAKEOLOGY. My once pain-ridden hands/wrists that could not support my body weight, could now do 30 push ups. I stopped napping. By the end of 90 days, I visited my doctor again. I had lost 10.5 lbs during the challenge… 17 lbs since he saw me last. My blood pressure was normal. My labwork was “astounding” (in his words). I lost 25 inches. He stopped all my medications! He told me to keep up the good work and then asked how he could get SHAKEOLOGY! Hmmmm? I am virtually pain free and have very little side effects from the disease. I hope to be a light in the dark world of Lyme Disease. I love SHAKEOLOGY and I love TEAM BEACH BODY!

Stacey is now down 4 pant sizes!!! 
Congrats girl!!! So proud!!

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