
Friday, March 29, 2013

Ultimate Reset Day 11

Ultimate Reset Day 11

Today was not bad for the most part.  I had an awesome breakfast as usual, a fruit plate. 

 It fills me up until my next meal, which were quinoa lentil pilaf and a sweet potato. 

 Then I had my snack, which I chose blueberries and a green apple.  I will be eating that for every snack just because I love those fruits.  Then for dinner I had a new recipe, Edamame and corn succotash with lemon-pepper Kale.  It was great!!

 Although, I did eat my meals literally 3 hours apart which hurt me because I was starving after 8pm and I ate my last meal at 6.  I was up until after midnight so I had to give in and eat another snack which I just had some steamed green beans and zucchini.  I felt much better afterwards.  You are only supposed to eat another meal if you know it is hunger pains and drank water without relief.  I know I did not intake enough calories because I did do an Insanity workout at the gym with friends and I am not supposed to do strenuous workouts.  I definitely paid for it last night.  The only other thing really different is I am a little more emotional at this time in my reset.  It is not necessarily a bad thing though.  My supplements are again so easy for me to take now. 

 I did have a hard time when I was getting my son’s Easter basket ready with Reese Cups (my favorite and only candy I eat).  But I know I am doing so well with this and that candy is only temporary satisfaction.  Tomorrow will be difficult I have another Easter Egg hunt with my neighborhood and we are all bringing food, along with this weekend I have my nephew’s birthday party, and two Easter celebrations with our families.  I have all of my food prepped and pack and ready to go!! Let’s do this!!

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